Thursday, December 24, 2015

Giving and decorating

I stayed in bed late, waiting for that initial surge of cortizol. But it did not come until after Chris had gone to work. I went directly to my sewing room and worked on the bag. I made a drawstring, then put in the casing for it. I put a strap across the back to hold it on to the cart frame. I also put a velcro piece to hold the bag up. But the only velcro I had was sticky on the back. So I sewed it by hand, not wanting that glue in my machine. The thread got sticky, the needle was sticky, my fingers were sticky. Ugh. But the job was done. Then I drank my quart of water and read e-mail. I exercised to an interview, and swallowed vit C. I scrubbed dead skin from my heels. I put the suction shelf back up in the bathroom. I made and ate breakfast. I heard about hacks for SAD, and forest bathing. But really what they recommend is enveloping yourself in the environment you grew up in (or your ancestors grew up in). I called Nela to see if she wanted to go for a walk, but she said her husband was coming home and they were going out. So I asked if I could come over to drop off a present. I wrapped some chocolate and seed cracker and a tissue cover in a cellophane bag. On the way over, a lady walked part of the way with me and we chatted. Then Chris walked up just as I was veering off for Nela's house. I greeted him then went and dropped off the bag. On the way back, I ran into Commander Weatherford. I hadn't worn a coat and was ok, but we chatted so long that I got cold. Myra and Scott pulled up, with groceries. I told her I had something for her. I ran home and made up another package like I gave Nela. I visited with Myra and Scott for a while. She will be cooking for the whole security force tomorrow. I came back and Chris was on his computer. He and I played a Christmas CD and put up the tree. I felt like reporting him for suspicious behavior (who was he and what did he do with my husband?) I looked up cardamom bread recipes. When I found one, I put the ingredients in the bread machine. I took a shower with a cold rinse. I futzed around for awhile and we took a nap. When I got up, I took the risen dough and rolled it into three ropes. I braided them into a wreath and left it sitting on a cookie sheet to rise. Then I got dressed for church. I walked to the Fleet and Family Towncenter. I saw Kathy bringing her kids in. I gave her the last tissue holder and said her kids could come over any time to get cardboard. I sat with So Yung and her husband during the service. All we did was alternately sing carols and have readings. It took half an hour and few people showed up. After the service, I invited them to our house for Christmas bread. I called Chris to pre-heat the oven. When we got there, I put the bread in. While it baked, I showed them my sewing room and our Christmas tree. Then they had to leave to get their kids even though the bread was not quite done. Soon after they left, I took it out to cool. We watched part of The Empire Strikes Back, until Chris left for his service. While he was gone, I got changed for bed. I couldn't resist having a piece of warm bread. Then I unpacked boxes and clothing. I cut a strip of stiff plastic to put in the silverware stand so the items can't fall out. Chris came home, and we finished the movie. He put cocoa butter on my ear to stop the itching. Then I wrote to my blog and went to bed.

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