Saturday, December 19, 2015

Making things from cardboard

We slept in way past the alarm. I used my heating pad for awhile before I got up. I did some organizing in my sewing room, finding new ways to hang things. Then Faye skyped me. I got to see her tree. I drank water and took the vitamin packets. Then I made breakfast and ate it while reading e-mail and listening to audios. Chris put together a cabbage soup while I worked today's Sudoku puzzle. I also folded and glued earlier puzzle pages into petals. We moved some furniture around to make a space for the TV stand to hold the DVD player. We also found space for the little bookcases that hold DVD's. Then I got dressed and we walked around the base, and met some Seabees. We stopped at the Fleet and Family towncenter to rent a DVD and see where Duffy's is moving to. Most of the DVD's were for kids. We rented Tangled because I had heard of it but never seen it. I researched more cardboard ideas, including toilet paper tubes and egg cartons. Chris moved a bookcase in the back room and I assembled a shelving unit in its place. I used the cutting table and the flaps of a cardboard box to build a spice rack. I ate two bowls of the soup Chris made. I put a bulb in the floor lamp in the sewing room. I set up my machine and made sure it worked. I found a few more ideas online. Pinterest had better ideas than Youtube. I sent them to myself in an e-mail. We ate dried sweet potato gummies, dipped in cinnamon. Mmmm. They were so good I had to have Chris take the bag away from me. I made some green tea. I drank it as we watched the movie Tangled. It was a good movie but it left me with one question: did she ever get a decent hair cut? We checked our e-mail again and went to bed.

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