Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas from Korea

We slept in a little past the alarm, then got up to check e-mail. I drank water and swished. I started today's Sudoku puzzle and folded yesterday's puzzle into a petal. My computer ran very slowly – until I closed a couple of windows on bread recipes. I sent Christmas messages to two quilt groups and the church. I watched the last scene of the Jackie Lawson advent calendar. I got dressed and invited Chris to take a walk with me. He got dressed and we walked up the back steps and up the road to the trail, and up. We stopped at the exercise station and I did some of the machines. We continued up from there, but when we got to the steep down part, we turned around. We were not sure it was dry (safe). When we got back to our quarters, I boiled water for the nuts and cranberries. Then I put on some Christmas music and we opened presents from Al and Cecily. I opened mine first and got pricked. It was a nice paring knife that in shipping had poked through the box. Chris got a package of white shirts. We went back to our laptops. I made and ate breakfast. Chris installed the shower filter in the master bathroom since the water pressure was low coming from the shower in the hall bath. We talked about the quilt show in Japan. I investigated online. Accommodations are scarce and expensive – unless you get a capsule room. Not sure I would like that. I spent time pulling things from boxes and finding a place for them. I moved a shelf in the hall closet so I could pile blankets and sheets under it. But I ended up moving the blankets to the bedroom closet. All the towels were finally together and the washcloths separated. I organized the items on the laundry shelving. I emptied a box of VHS onto the shelves in the living room. I combined things left in boxes so there were fewer boxes. I put up Command hooks in the living room to hang curtains. I hung the squished hexecontehedron from the light fixture in the dining room. I moved the ironing board into the sewing room but did not have room to set it up. Then we watched The Return of the Jedi (on VHS). We were checking e-mail when Kurt skyped us. I talked to him and to my dad. It was almost 11:30 when he hung up. Then I was really ready to go to bed.

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