Thursday, December 3, 2015

Washing, drying and ironing

I slept pretty well last night. I only got up twice and was able to go back to sleep each time. I even woke up before the alarm. I swished and exercised. I got an e-mail from Chris' sister asking for our street address and his phone number. I found that in some e-mails from October. Kathy called to say the order was in and my part was ready. I told her I would call her when I had the cash. I made breakfast and ate part of it before I ran out to meet Myra and Nela. Nela was running behind so Myra showed me how she does planks and some yoga positions. I tried. Then Nela came and we walked up the hill behind our duplex to where we left off cleaning the path. We found our rushes where we left them. It was slow going. We needed better equipment. After we had done the steepest part, we walked the rest of the path and ended up near Nela's place. She had to go because school let out early today. Then Myra and I went to Housing to borrow brooms. We saw they had a leaf blower and they said we could borrow it after it was gassed up. So we took a broom and a rake. We cleaned the exercise station near Myra's house. It was still slow going and the leaf blower would have been ever so much faster. Then I left for home. I finished my breakfast. I checked a little e-mail. Then I walked down to MWR – or would have, but Mauricio offered me a ride. He parked by the post office. I went in to check the mail. A man helped me this time. All we got was a box, but it was the probiotic body spray that I ordered last week. That came fast! Then I went to the ATM to get the cash I needed. I stopped in at the bank to chat with the tellers. And to tell them that they were right – the Daegu fabric market was MUCH better than the Busan fabric market. So then I called Kathy and she was home. I walked over to her house and she handed me a bag with the order. I forgot what it was. Soap nuts and stuff. We chatted a little and then I went home. I had some lunch and took a shower. I sprayed myself with the probiotic then sat on the floor to cut little corners off my fabrics. I separated them into three piles of about 20 yards each: light, medium, dark. I washed the light fabric and put it in the dryer. Sadly it was too dry when I went to get it out. I washed the next load and when it was done, used some of the wet pieces to iron over the dry fabric. Some of the dry pieces went into the dryer with the wet stuff. When the dryer finished, all the fabric had just the right moisture. I kept ironing. I did some meditation. I had some supper. I caught up on the Sudoku puzzles for the week. I read some e-mail. I washed the dishes. I put on an audio and went back to ironing. I saw a taxi pulled up outside so I turned on the outside light. I ironed until he came up to the door. Then I opened it for him. He rolled his suitcases to the back and unpacked. He hardboiled some eggs for his breakfast tomorrow. I finished a piece of fabric and jotted notes for my blog. Chris cued up the next episode of Sharpe's Rifles. We watched it, stopping now and then for Chris to explain to me what was going on. When it was over, he went to bed and I stayed up to post to my blog.
* This was my salad yesterday. Look at the size of that carrot. *

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