Monday, December 21, 2015

We are not amused

I got up right after my alarm went off. Chris was already awake and having breakfast. I put some water on to boil. I swished, exercised and listened to an audio. I made some coffee. It was cold and rainy outside. While reading e-mail, I came across sciency videos. I watched a few and even sent some to my brother. I wanted to make bread for Chris and went looking for the bread maker. I found some boxes in the back room so I opened them. I found the mattress cover that we have been looking for. I also found my hexecontehedron thrown in. I was shocked because I had packed it in it's own box, the box I used to submit it to the quilt show. That box was in the second bedroom. I opened it and found thread holders. Why had the packers taken my artwork out and thrown it in a bigger box with other items and no protection? There was no fixing it. And I could not imagine how they could make it right. It is an irreplaceable item. I found the bread maker sitting in a corner. I set it up in the kitchen and was measuring out ingredients when Chris came home for lunch. I told him about the hexecontehedron. Then I finished preparing the ingredients for bread. The Christmas panel that I pasted above the fireplace came down. Chris pasted it back for me, and with more double-sided tape than I used. He helped me unpack a large box of clothes in the bedroom closet. I had found hangers in with the hexecontehedron and was able to hang the dresses. I decided to take a walk before eating breakfast. I got dressed, jotted a few notes for my blog, and went out. I walked up the steps out back. I walked up the mountain, and turned right onto the trail. I only walked to the first steep part, not wanting to fall again. Then I came back down the trail and down the mountain. I did not want to use the steps again because they are directly behind the other part of this duplex. So if I came down that way, I would be looking directly in their window. So I went down by the road, and back up the main road. When I got back, I made and ate breakfast. I listened to an audio. I called Nela to see what she and Myra were doing, but Myra was out and Nela was home. I went to the nearby Market to get persimmons, but the only box they had (of soft ones) was 12,000 won. So I bought small bananas and grape tomatoes. When I got back I wanted to try the seed cracker recipe. I went hunting through boxes looking for cookie sheets. First I found a pizza pan, and then I found a jelly roll pan. Close enough. I thought I was ready so I called up the recipe on my laptop. I measured out the pumpkin seeds. And then the sunflower seeds. But next came the sesame seeds. I searched all the cupboards in the kitchen. Twice. And then the dining room and the living room. I knew we had bought them from the same merchant that sells sesame oil. Thinking they were still in a black bag, I went through all the bags in the house, which turned out to be empty and I put them in recycling. I went through the bags in the sewing room in case I had mistaken it for a bag of lace or something. Nope. Nowhere. I wondered if they had somehow gone home with Jane. I e-mailed Chris. Then I laid down on the couch, feeling defeated. Chris came home and put the trash can back in it's place. He made himself supper. He did not know where the sesame seeds were. We read e-mail. I tried to rearrange things, and organize. Everything I do seems like only a drop in the bucket towards an organized living space. I hope those drops add up soon. I asked Chris to move the black chests to the spot under the tv stand. The whole effect was rather good. The DVD player had to go inside the stand to be at the right heightChris wanted to watch Tron 2 Legacy. I did not care to, but ended up watching it too since it was on. Then he went to bed and I stayed up to post to my blog.

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