Saturday, December 26, 2015

Honey test

I slept in late, even though Chris got up. When I got up, we called Michele. But at the same time, Kurt skyped me, so I did not get to talk to her. After his call, we got dressed and went for a walk up the mountain. We walked up the steepest part. I stopped at the exercise station halfway up to try out the machines. On the way down and around, we went by the Fleet and Family Towncenter. Chris returned the movie Tangled, and we got groceries from the commissary. We carried them back to our quarters. Istarted making breakfast, and Kurt skyped again, but not for as long. After reading about uses for honey and coconut oil, I read about tests for pure honey, since there are fake or adulterated honeys on the market. I had two jars, one an expensive five-day market honey and the other from the commissary. First I tried the dissolve in water test: the Korean honey appeared to dissolve some but it was just lighter in color. Then the drop on thumbnail test: commissary honey spread a little more. Then the burn on cottonball test: neither honey burned, but the cottonballs sure did. The only thing left was the part with honey on it. Next the shake test: neither shook enough to make bubbles. Finally the blot test. I did not have blotting paper so I put a drop of each on a paper towel. Both held their shape. I decided they were both real. I got out all my empty capsules and filled most of them with tumeric. The rest got filled with ALC. Then I noticed that the blots had spread a little, and tiny bubbles arose in the Korean honey. I cleaned up all yellow everywhere, hoping it would eventually come off the counter tops. I drank the ginger tea made by slicing ginger into the coffee pot and letting it steep. Then I got hung on up Pinterest. It annoyed me that it was so hard to stop. Finally I forced myself away. I put up a burgundy swag on one window by tying it to the hooks and using double-sided tape in the center. It looked great but I decided to wait until tomorrow to do the other one in case this one falls down. Then I got out the wrought iron stickers. I cut them out and arranged them on the floor. I wanted reverse images so both sides could be the same, but I had two sets of stickers exactly alike, and none of them reversed. I put up wrought iron stickers over the mantel as best I could. They turned out to be cheap and sticky and flimsy. I would not buy them again. I deleted more e-mail, and then watched a movie with Chris. It was a James Bond movie called Casino Royale. Then he went to bed while I stayed up to post to my blog.

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