Thursday, December 31, 2015

Last day of 2015

We woke up early, or at least it seemed so, but my alarm went off not long after. I shut it off and went back to bed, feeling like I needed more sleep. Chris had breakfast, took his shower and left for work. I got up later, swished, read e-mail, and wrote a holiday card, intending to put it in the mail. Myra texted me that her husband was home today so no yoga at her place. When I had finished my exercises, I meditated. That's when I realized that I had missed the mail pickup at 10:10. I got dressed and walked the trail. I went halfway up the hill, and stopped at the exercise station to work my arms. Then I finished going up, slowly and with stops because my back was iffy on the subject. Then I came around to the front of the mountain and walked down. When I got in, I prepared breakfast. I had to stop halfway to refill some containers. Chris came home for lunch. He brought me a card from my Aunt Jean. He also brought home a chocolate rum cake with cherries on top, gift from a co-worker. When he went back, he took the cards I prepared and dropped them off at the post office, which was closing early. I put on Christmas songs courtesy of Youtube. I ate breakfast. I did an online search to find out which probiotic helps digest garlic. But there were too many links on garlic and digestion. How to find the one that answers the question? I made up a new mixture of spices for breakfast. I filled the bread machine and got it started. I had trouble remembering the recipe. I did not find it on my laptop, so I typed in what I put in the bread machine so I could tweak it if it came out wrong. I found a recipe on my laptop for sweet potato hummus. I washed sweet potatoes and rubbed them with coconut oil. I put them in a baking dish in the oven. Then I washed up a box of kitchen utensils and found some clean drawers to put them in. I grated some kumquat. I cut up some kimchi from the cabbage and mixed it with the kumquat and left it to ferment. I read e-mail until the sweet potatoes were finished. I let them cool for a little bit then ate one of the really small ones. I opened up the sweet potato hummus recipe. I had to do it differently because it called for a food processor and all I have is a handheld one. But then I realized there was no garlic in the recipe. The whole point of hummus is to consume garlic in a digestible way. So I looked for my original recipe, but it must be on the desktop because I did not find it. I got out the fabric that I bought in Busan to make a Bianca wrap. I wrestled with the dimensions, unsure how they measured hip width. The central portion is supposed to be a square that is both the armpit to mid calf measurement and double the hip width. For me, those measurements are not equal. So I used the smaller one. I did the no-sew method to make it simple just to see if it was worth the effort to cut and sew and hem, etc. Chris came home while I was cutting. After I 'made' it, I tried it on, in the various wrapping positions. Chris made quinoa and bison for supper. I took a break to eat and then went back to wrapping. I did not think it looked on me like it showed on the model. First, because her fabric was the same on both sides (not mentioned in how to choose the fabric) and it was a solid color (mine had bands of color). Second, she was tall and slender, the kind of body shape that makes anything look good. After supper, we watched Men in Black II. I liked the first one better. We checked e-mail before going to bed. I plugged my phone up to the portable power bank that Faye sent me for Christmas to see if it worked with my phone. And it did. Or at least, it said it did. We will probably go to bed before midnight, since there are no fireworks here on base.
* This pic is from the market. I have seen hanbok stands before, selling the fabric, but yesterday we saw ones with a fitting area as seen here. *

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