Thursday, February 2, 2017

Dr. says I need stronger medicine

I got up about 8, soon after Chris left for work. I swished, then drank a quart of water while reading e-mail. I learned that certain medications have an ototoxicity risk because they damage the sensory hair cells in the inner ear: ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and aspirin, among others.
I looked up items to make an order, for either Swansons or Amazon, wherever I can get free shipping. Looking into broccoli seeds, I found that they are extremely high in erucic acid, which was the original problem with rapeseed before they engineered it to produce less. I could not find any studies on the effects of eating ungerminated broccoli seeds.
I rubbed my turmeric oil mixture in my hair and on my face, then made and ate breakfast. I took a shower, and got the turmeric out of my hair and off my face. I got dressed and bundled up. I walked out the door and down to the front gate and to the bus stop. I waited for the bus and chatted with the non-Asian lady there. We got on the bus together, but she got off earlier. Then I missed my stop because I forgot to press the 'stop' button on the bus. Since no one else did and there was no one at that bus stop, the bus kept going. So I walked back from the next stop. I was still almost 20 minutes early.
At 20 after 12, the nurse showed me to one of the little beds and put the massage sleeves on my legs. It was very relaxing. After she collected them again, I laid there until the doctor came to see me. He put needles in my hip for a second, then I laid on my back and he put them in my ankle, stomach, arm and neck. Then he left. I tried to scoot the yoga blocks under my thighs without disturbing any needles, but only managed one block. Later, he came back. I handed him my phone for translation. He asked me about any side effects from the medicine and I said just gas. He took my pulse. He said the medicine wasn't strong enough and he would make it stronger. Apparently it did not taste bad enough. The new herbs would taste more bitter and cause more gas. It will be ready after 3 tomorrow. He told me to wait and he left. When he came back, he told me I could go. I paid him and made an appointment for next week. Then I walked to the bus stop. The bus I wanted wasn't far away. I realized my phone was ringing. It was Myra and she wanted to know if I wanted to go to Daiso with her. We agreed to meet at the bus stop by the base. I rode the bus there and was ahead of time so I went to the CU to add more money to my bus card. Then I headed back to the bus stop, arriving just as she pulled up. I got in and we went to the McDonalds street to park. We walked into the everyday market to get containers and curtain rods. Then we went to the little fabric shop for zippers and thread. We also went to Daiso to see their containers (and a lot of other stuff). On the way back to the car, I bought a plate of strawberries for 8000 won. Myra paid for the parking and we went back to our base, and continued on to the ROK base where she paid her internet bill. Coming back to our base, she spied her husband walking past the commissary. He got in the back and she took him home and then dropped me off. I went inside and ate some supper and took a packet of the remaining herbal drink. I checked e-mail and jotted notes for my blog. I tried to look up Karen's blog to see how she was doing, but it was not there. Myra called to ask if I had seen her planner today, but I hadn't. I went out to the curb to see if it had fallen out when I got out of the car, but there was nothing there. I had a discussion with Chris about sulforaphane vs glucoraphin. I decided to order the broccoli seeds. I finished up the Amazon order. Then I made up a batch of minimal supplements for the week. (The doctor said not to take them with the herbal medication but I just can't leave out the vitamin D and magnesium). I was running low on the Magnesium L-threonate so I added that to the Swanson order and took advantage of their latest offer. I put some broccoli seeds in water to soak. I made a cup of hot tea from flower blossoms. It was time to take my evening magnesium powder (magnesium glycinate) and I realized it was getting low. I checked the cupboard but there was no more. I went to the Swanson's website and put it in my cart until I could find enough other stuff to get free shipping. I so wished I had put it in the earlier order. Then Chris and I watched an episode of Merlin. We looked up one of the actors but did not remember him from anything listed on his bio. Chris went to bed in expectation of an early call. As usual, I stayed up to post to my blog.
* Another pic from the quilt show. *

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