Monday, February 13, 2017

I've heard of green-washing, but.....

Chris got up early to leave at 6 for Busan. I got up about 7:15 to start my coffee morning. At 7:30 my phone alarm rang. I could barely hear it, but it helped me find it, hiding under my warmest winter coat. I put on some meditation music. I swished while doing my exercises. I drank a quart of water. I boiled water for coffee. I cleaned out the sink. I meditated and tapped. I started cleaning the bathrooms. I got sidetracked listening to an interview. Dynee texted to see if she could come over. She brought her quilt and the fabric she wanted to use for a binding. I showed her how and gave her a sample of how to join the strips. Then she went home. I called Chris to see if he was going to make it to the post office today. But he did not answer. Then he called back, and said yes, he was already back on base. I was doing some tapping when he came home with 4 or 5 boxes – though none from Faye. I opened them and took out the contents of each one: mostly supplements. In one, the container of chlorella got damaged (not surprising considering the condition of the box) and there was dark green dust over everything inside.
After he left, I went looking through my fabric for red scraps. Few were large enough for 6 ½ “ squares, so I pulled some yardage, too. I started cutting squares. Dynee called me to come over and advise her on making binding. I showed her again how to join the strips on the bias. We talked about other things too. Then I came home when she took her dog out to pee.
I saw video footage of Dr. Maurice Hilleman talking about how he found the SV40 monkey virus in Merck's polio vaccine when he got hired there. He had trouble making a vaccine without the virus because all the monkeys came in infected because of the groups they were held in. So he called someone from the zoo who told him to get African greens. He said he didn't know he was importing AIDS virus at the same time. Well, that lead me to watch other videos which claim that HIV doesn't cause AIDS, malnutrition and drugs do, particularly AZT (which was originally a cancer drug but deemed too dangerous to use). I was watching a video called “10 scientific reasons why HIV can not cause AIDS” when Chris came home. I paused the video so we could talk, then resumed it when he went to change out of his suit. I finished my video, then called Myra. After the call, Chris brushed his teeth and then we watched an episode of Merlin. Sadly, it was a 'to be continued' episode. Chris found it funny because such episodes are my pet peeves. He went to bed and I stayed up to blog.
* chlorella everywhere *

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