Tuesday, February 14, 2017

One down, one to go

I got up about 7:45, intending to put the food waste out. Chris was on his way out, and there was no food waste or food waste container. So he must have already done it. I looked in the mirror and saw my hair was a fright. I combed it over and over but it would not behave. I went into the kitchen which was a fright all on its own. I started cleaning up. I put ingredients in the bread machine. I drank a quart of water. I put on some music and made up 9 days worth of supplements. Two were low so I went to the Swanson site to order more. The current deal was 15% off everything and another 10% of Swanson brand. Well, till I ordered what I wanted and got 15% off, it wasn't enough to get free shipping. So I spent an hour or more examining other products to find something to make up the difference. Then I texted the company to let them know that the chlorella I just got was cracked open. I asked if it was still safe to consume and the clerk said they could not recommend it since the seal was broken. I did think it was weird that the seal was broken. What happened to that box in shipment?
I deleted e-mail, not bothering to find some to unsubscribe from. I was way ahead on that anyway. Chris came home for lunch early. There was no mail. But he brought me a Valentine card.
I took a shower and got dressed. I folded up the quilt for the doctor and put it in the medicine bag. I called Myra. Then I stopped by her house on my way to the bus stop. She showed me the purple quilt she was working on, and the pajama pants for her husband for Valentine's Day. She wanted a break so she decided to come with me. We walked to the bus top, but the next bus was far away. So we walked to the first bus stop on the main street. There we caught 307, thinking it went to Home Plus, but it did not. Instead, it followed the route of 317. But that worked fine, we just got off at the top of the hill instead of the bottom, and walked to the doctor's office. It was empty, but I called out. He came out and I handed him the quilt. He seemed pleased and pulled a 50,000 won note from the till, handing it to me. I thanked him and I left with Myra. We spotted sewing machines in a store window so we stopped to inquire if they sold needles as well. But she did not speak English. Then we went to Home Plus to look for Valentine Cards, but there were no cards at all. We also looked at blankets, but none as big as I was asked to find. Finally, we walked to the bus stop and caught 305 back to base. But then we turned the other way and visited the corner market. I bought vegetables and she got strawberries. Then we walked back to her place. We chatted as she finished cutting out the pattern she had started. Then she rinsed the berries and gave me one. It was delicious. She headed to the Nex to buy a chocolate bar to melt for the berries and I took my veggies home. I made a salad and used one of the tomatoes I picked from my garden weeks ago. It had finally turned ripe. As I ate, I watched a video of Dr. John Gray talking about male-female relationships and hormones. It was very interesting.
I found the remnants of the fabrics that I used in the quilt that the acupuncturist picked out. They were all together in a bag. But when I compared them with the quilt, I noticed one fabric was missing: a green one. I searched my piles of green but it wasn't there. I must have used it all up. I selected several other greens and tried them in it's place on the quilt, but none were quite right. I tried other colors as well. Then I decided that since I wanted a square quilt, I needed nine blocks, which would require nine fabrics for the stack and slash method to work. So I added the three fabrics that were almost right. One was not big enough for the squares I had in mind. I wasn't sure if I should piece it, or overlap two pieces hoping a seam would not be necessary. I looked up the technique online to be sure I knew what I was doing. I made sketches on the back of an envelop. Chris came home kind of on time. He asked me if I wanted to go to Turtle Cove for dinner, but I told him I had already eaten. So he made himself supper. I got distracted reading e-mail. Finally I posted a reminder for the sewing class on the community Facebook page. He replaced the burnt out bulb in the bedroom and the one in the oven. Then we watched two episodes of Merlin. Chris went to bed in anticipation of an early call. I stayed up to blog.
* This is from the Tokyo quilt show. *

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