Sunday, February 19, 2017

Someone like me

As usual, I woke up during night, sweating. But overall, I think I slept moderately well. I reflected that I get two kinds of hot flashes. The ones during the day feel like the room is hot when actually it is only me. But the ones at night are definitely from the inside out. Multiple sweats mere seconds apart. What does it mean?
Chris got up first. I got up about 8. He told me the crock pot had boiled over. I washed the counter around it. I drank my lemon water and some clay water. Then we went back to bed. Chris took a shower and got dressed for church. I got up to check e-mail and listen to in interview from Square One about the anti-cancer diet.
At 9:30 I took my shower and got dressed. I read e-mail until Chris came home from church to pick me up. He dropped me off at the chapel. I went to the restroom first and was late getting into the sanctuary so I missed the opening prayer. I sat in usual seat and was surprised to see Ms. Pae and Ms. Kim. We sang songs, had communion, heard readings, etc. The lesson was about Moses and burning bush. It was suggested that perhaps Moses had forgotten how to speak Egyptian during his 40 years as a shepherd. That could be why he needed his brother Aaron who was already on his way there from Egypt. (How did he get out of Egypt?)
After the service, it was almost noon. I called Chris to bring my flat shoes to the commissary. So Young paid for the bus trip for herself and 2 kids. Then I walked to the commissary. I talked to Mari who had just come out until Chris arrived with my shoes. I changed shoes and went inside talking to Danielle. Chris shopped while I talked. I also talked to Katelyn. She wanted to go on bus trip, but needed to get child care. We checked out, and went home with our food. We put the groceries away. I added onions and garlic to the bone broth which was still cooking in the crock pot. I called Myra to tell her So Young had paid. Then I made and ate a salad.
I saw Terri had texted me about going for a walk. We exchanged texts. Myra was busy. So Terri came by with her dog Lulu and the two of us walked out the front gate toward the Eco park. Lulu was surging ahead and Terri was training her to heel by stopping whenever she pulled too hard. Lulu sniffed at everything. Terri held her close when Koreans passed by because many of them are afraid of big dogs. But some wanted to pet her. She was a little shy of them. We sat along the canal and waited for Lulu to get acquainted with the smells and sights and sounds of Chinhae. Terri and I had a nice chat about tapping and healthy diets and such. Finally we arrived at the park. But the lady at the information center came out and waved her hands, indicating that dogs were not allowed in the park. Oh well. We turned around and headed back. Lulu was a little calmer. When we got to my house, we agreed to meet again sometime and go to the sauna.
I came inside to fill my watering can. I watered the petunias I bought yesterday. I went into the kitchen, looking for something to eat. I ladled out a bowl of the broth with onions and garlic. It was too hot to eat at first. After I ate that, I cut some of the beef roast. It was quite rare, just the way I like it. I read some e-mail and watched an old old sewing video (from the 1940's). Then I made and ate my breakfast. We folded the laundry together.
We watched 4 episodes of Merlin. Chris went to bed. I stayed up to scoop the bone broth into narrow jars so I could remove the fat from the top. Then I sat down to write my blog post for the day.
* A pic from the quilt show. *

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