Thursday, February 9, 2017

No more needles

I woke up early as usual, but was able to go back to sleep. I woke up again when Chris came back from working out, but I fell asleep again. I woke up again about 8. I got up to finish the quilt. I drank my quart of water first. Then I ripped out the last side of stitching on the quilt because there were puckers. I smoothed it out and pinned it well. I hoped it would stretch just far enough that I would not have to piece it, but it did not. I had to add the square made of triangles cut from the ends of the strips. I ironed the seams flat and joined the ends. Once the binding was sewn to the front, I put on TQS episodes and handsewed the back, tangling the thread at times. I did not get it finished by 11:20. I quit to take a shower and down a few seed crackers. I took a pic of the quilt. I packed my market bag with yoga blocks and a small container of Epsom salts. I hurried down the hill to the bus stop. I passed Myra on the way. She had just come back from getting her hair cut. But I had to hurry on. In fact, the bus pulled up just as I got there. Traffic was light and the passengers were few so the bus made good time. I got to the doctor's office just after noon. I had to wait because my appointment was at 12:30. Then I was shown into the office. I thoroughly enjoyed the leg massage. When the doctor came, he asked questions about the herbs and my response to them. He was baffled because he said he had given me the strongest herbs my body could take, but I wasn't sleepy nor did I find the taste very bitter. I showed him the picture of the quilt I was making for him. He said it was very beautiful. He stuck needles in my ankles, stomach, neck, and both arms. Then he left. When he came back, he typed questions and answers into the translation app on my phone. He said this was my last treatment. Strangely enough, I was going to tell him the same thing. He apologized for not being able to solve my problem. He said I should come back in 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and one year for checkups at no cost. I asked when I should bring the completed quilt and he said next week would be fine. He also asked for a second one. I told him I had used up all the fish fabrics. So he chose another pattern from the few on my phone. Then I paid for the visit and left. I went across the street for a roll of kimbap. I ate as I walked to the bus stop. The bus was six stops away. So I walked back. It was really cold in the wind so I tried to stay close to the buildings. I stopped at a blanket shop to look for kingsize blankets. But she did not have that size. I kept walking until I got to the Chinese massage place. I asked for a foot massage, not caring who did it. But I got lucky and the really good guy came in while my feet were soaking in the hot Epsom salt bath. There was a soap opera playing on the wall TV. He and the lady clerk were listening to it, and sometimes laughing. I did not understand a word. But I think he massaged my feet longer because of the program. I considered asking for a shoulder massage, too, but decided to save that for next week. I said as much to the man, but am not certain he understood that I was making an appointment. Then I walked back to the base, stopping at the corner grocery store for lettuce and sprouts. I was so glad to get home and out of the wind. I had a bite to eat, then sat down at my laptop to watch quilting episodes and stitch binding. Before I finished, it was time for the FRG meeting. I texted Dynee to see if she was going but she did not get my text. I put on my warmest coat and scarf, but it was still a really cold walk to the chapel. Hardly anyone was there because there was a calligraphy class at the same time. Carolyn, the vice president, led the meeting because Amber was back in the states. We talked about Operation Shower, which is sending boxes to our pregnant women. We also talked about how to raise money at the next open base event. They decided having a yard sale of donated items was the best idea. Then we discussed the treasury at length. Finally the meeting was over. We cleaned up the room (the kids had played hard) and locked up the chapel. Carolyn gave Dynee and I a ride home. Chris had the light on for me. I came in as he was fixing supper. I had a bite to eat. I sat down with the quilt again. But before I finished, he was ready to watch Merlin. So we sat through two episodes. Then Chris went to bed, while I caught up on e-mail. I looked up all the main Merlin actors. Then I typed up my blog, ready for bed.
* This photo was taken at the Tokyo quilt show. *

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