Friday, February 3, 2017

Five Day Market

Chris got up really early to go to work for another 6am call. I must have slept through all that. It was just after 8 when I got up. I read e-mail, and found an e-mail to unsubscribe from. Then I got dressed. I saved my quart of water for later. I bundled up and walked down the hill. Myra met me at her parking lot. We walked to the community roundup together and sat with Kim. The OPS officer reviewed the 8 week schedule and marked in changes as people mentioned them. SC Wendt asked me if the sewing group could make a new banner for a Knights of Columbus group in the states. I said maybe, but we need to see a picture. Then I followed Myra and Scott to the post office. Still no package. But they got one. Myra drove me home. I drank a quart of water and then made and ate breakfast. I read e-mail. I trimmed all the fish blocks to 4 ¼ inches. Its a weird size, but I wanted them as large as possible. Then Myra called to see if I was ready to go to the 5-day market. While she came to pick me up, I put on my coat and shoes and got my cart. I rolled it out to the curb. I could see Dynee sitting in her living room reading. So I called and invited her to come along. She was ready in a flash and came out just as Myra pulled up. Myra drove us to the market and parked at Home Plus. We wended our way through the throng with my cart. Dynee put her beets in my cart and I bought a huge bag of apples for $5. I also got pineapple, lettuce, a huge egg, carrots, cucumbers, peppers, strawberries and a scarf. For some reason we all stopped at a scarf stand and bought $3 scarves. When we got to the acupuncturist's office, I went in to get the new medicine. The lady at the desk did not charge me. My hands were more than full as was my cart. So we found our way back to Home Plus and Myra's car. She dropped me and Dynee off in front of Dynee's house. I took the food from the black bags and put it in clear bags in the fridge. I scrubbed the carrots but could not get them clean. I put on an audio and listened while reading e-mail and then doing Sudoku puzzles. I had some supper and drank one of the new herbal medicine packets. It did not taste any worse than the previous ones. I picked up four fish blocks to start sewing, then decided to work outside since it was such a nice day. I picked up all the remaining tomatoes. Then I pulled out all the vines. I collected the bamboo sticks that were holding them up. I folded up the plastic sheet that had covered the tomatoes. I brought Dynee's Christmas lights inside. I rolled up the extension cord and put it in the shed. And I did some raking. Then I checked e-mail while listening to an audio. Chris came home from work. When the audio was over, he called me over to discuss an article I had posted on Facebook. Then he made himself supper while I made a salad. I sewed most of the fish blocks together in sets of 4. Then I started sewing the triangles in. Chris pushed himself away from his laptop and we watched two episodes of Merlin. Just as it ended, I heard a sound that I thought was Skype. But it turned out to be Facebook. A new tapping buddy was calling me, but it did not work on Facebook, so we went to Skype. We talked about our experiences teaching high school. We did not actually get around to tapping although we talked for over an hour (till after midnight). We made a date for next week and hung up. I typed up my blog post for the day and went to bed.
* Carrots from the market *

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