Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Berries to Beverly

As I lay dozing in bed, I realized I hadn't seen gnats in days. I got up and put my hair up. I sewed a seam and turned on the router. That was 7:40. I put on some meditation music. I listened to parts of the last episode of Bible Health Secrets. One lady said that even witches and socerers call on the name of Jesus when a demon gets out of control.
I made coffee. I tapped and ruminated. I noticed that the iron was unplugged. At first I wondered why Chris did it, then I remembered that Herberth is a fire chief so he probably did it. I took the frozen strawberries from the tray in the freezer and put them in a bag. Then I partially filled a number of containers with goat milk and put them in the freezer. I washed the milk jar and the dishes in the sink. I noticed that the peony was just a bud this morning, and then – bloom!
I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I swept the floors and mopped, but just in the kitchen. I ran the vacuum cleaner in the bathrooms and bedrooms. My wrist started to hurt. Then I took a shower. I checked the weather, then ran the mower until the blades slowed down. I plugged in the battery to recharge, then sat down to jot some notes for my blog.
I took the remaining bucket of strawberries from the fridge and moved them to my car. I drove to the chiropractor's office. When I noticed Beverly come out of her car, I took the berries and walked over to her. She gave me money and I gave her change. We chatted for a bit and then I went to my appointment.
I need not have hurried because he came out of his office and sat by me in the waiting room and told me stories from his youth. Finally we went into the exam room. He left for a moment and I examined the posters in on the walls. One was named Chiropractic Manipulation Reflex Techniques. I wrote it down so I could look it up later. When he got back, he told me more stories. I told him my left wrist hurt. He felt it, then said the carpal bones were out of alignment. So he adjusted my elbow and then the wrist. It still hurt, maybe more. So he did it again and told me to leave it be for awhile. Then he had me lay down. He worked on my skull and neck. I was afraid he would twist my neck again. Then he sat me up and readjusted my jaw. Finally he told me to come back on Monday.
There were two patients waiting when I came out. I paid and made the next appointment. Then I got in my car to go home. But my left wrist was in too much pain to use it at all. I drove home with my right hand. This did not bode well for choir practice.
When I got home, I put a bag of frozen blueberries on my wrist and read e-mail. I looked out the window and saw two birds with long beaks jump into one of the tomato plants and start pecking. I chased them away. Then I fastened a spoon to my wrist to stabilize it and went for a walk. I didn't have a watch on so I don't know how long I was gone. When I got back, I watched episode 2 of the Human Longevity Project (with the bag of frozen berries again). I texted Jennifer that I wasn't going to be able to drive to practice tonight. She called to make sure I was ok, then had to go get practice started.
Whe Chris was ready, I sat on the couch with my sock of cold rice, cradling my wrist. We watched a whole Netflix DVD of episodes of F-Troop. I sprayed myself with hot flash spray and slowly typed up my blog post.

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