Monday, May 14, 2018

The perfectly punctured patient

I woke up about 6:30, and got up to check the time. I went back to bed for a bit because no one else was up. Then I got up to start sewing on the doublet. I had to re-draft the sleeve to get the right shape. The right shape turned out to be the usual sleeve shape but put in reverse: the curved part for the hem and the straight-ish part for the seam. The men finally left to get haircuts, etc. I turned up the volume and finished the rest of episode 6. while it was playing, I made some progress on the doublet and also breakfast. I tried to read e-mail but Yahoo kept crashing, no matter how many windows I closed.
I watered the plants. I loaded my sewing gear in the trunk and went to quilting. I sat with the ladies who were finishing lunch, and socialized. Later we retreated to our machines. I worked on the doublet. I lined the peplum pieces. I sewed the facing in. At 2:30 I packed up. I drank my can of coconut water. I left Lauri there with Mariane and Cheryl.
I went to the chiropractor. My mind was a little distracted and I blamed the coconut water. We chatted in the waiting room and then went to the exam room. He asked the usual questions. I mentioned that I wanted my money back from the wrist manipulation since it was worse after I left than when I came in. He replied that that was not unusual and that he had set it up to crack later: that it healed faster than it would have if he hadn't manipulated it. But, he said he would refund the cost of that manipulation if I wanted. I had to think about his explanation.
I laid down and he felt my neck and said I needed it cracked but since I didn't like it last time, that he would try holding it in different positions until it released. Then I had a hot flash. So he opened his book to the menopause page. He had his secretary make a copy of it for me. It listed herbs, most of which I already had. He told me to bring them next time and he would muscle-test me to see which one or two would be most effective for me. Then he took me to the acupuncture room. He had a menopause acupuncture page. I didn't like where he put some of the needles, but … hot flashes make desperate women.
I did some visualization to relax. He left me there so long that the music ran out. When he came back, he took the needles out, then he had to put some in my back, briefly. Then I was free to go. I paid at the front desk and made an appointment for next week.
I drove home. Chris and Herberth were already there. Chris had a package for me from the post office but he had left it in his car. He went to get it, and when I opened it, all the bottles were really hot. Then I had to reboot my computer in order to read my Yahoo mail.
I made two bowls of salad, and heated some chicken in the toaster oven. I listened to episode 7. It was about older people with a sense of purpose outliving people who don't, even more important than not smoking or having a low BMI. I played around on the piano a bit. Then I wrote chord changes on the copy of Lamb of God.
We watched Lucifer at 7. Herberth came out of his room to wish us good night. Then we watched a DVD of F-Troop episodes. Chris looked up some of the actors and then went to bed. I took my evening supplements and drank kava tea as I typed up my blog post for today.
* This pic is from the yard sale on Saturday. *

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