Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Spreadsheets are done

I got up soon after the alarm went off at 7:30. I had been awake for what seemed like a long time. I sewed two pairs of squares into a four-patch. Then I turned on the router. I swished while printing out the last of the spreadsheets. Then I read e-mail until the niacin kicked in. I trimmed one side of the yard and did my exercises. I meditated and tapped. Then I cleaned the hall bath. I cleaned the kitchen while listening to an interview, then cleaned the master bath. Afterward, I swept the floors. I made up two weeks worth of supplements. I also cleaned up somethng that had spilled in the fridge.
I left at 1:39 for Huntsville Sew and Vac. I was meeting Beverly there. I was a few minutes early, so I walked around the shop lookng at fabric. I was hoping for some Footprints in the Sand fabric, but the lady said that was years ago. I selected some batiks for the stained glass project. Beverly arrived and met me in the fabric room. She handed me the money I had inadvertently left on her table yesterday. There was a basket of panel fabrics. I looked through them and picked out one. Beverly helped me try to match it with some possible border fabrics. Then she got a panel for herself.
It was after three when we separated. I went home, got the mail, and had a drink. Then I went to Deam Maker for some Reiki and craniosacral work. I also wanted to sign up for a bars session, but the lady who does that was busy. Ron worked on my feet, my back and my cranium. He said there was more release today than in previous sessions. He also said I could help the release along by rolling up a towel tightly and placing it under my neck at night, but only until it started to get uncomfortable. That sounded reasonable to me.
When I got home, I made a mug of bone broth and took some supplements. I read e-mail for a bit. Then I fixed my hair and took the baby blanket and went to choir. When I got there, I put the spreadsheets in Ron's box. Then I dropped off the anthem from last Sunday. I handed a bag with the baby blanket to Jennifer. She was very pleased with it. Another lady asked me to hem some baby sleepers with the feet cut off. I told her I couldn't do it until June so she asked someone else. Choir practice went well. We only have three Sundays left to sing.
After practice, I drove home. I started cleaning off my sewing table so I could get started on Michele's project. But before I was done, Chris had Enterprise cued up on the Netflix website. So I sat on the couch and we watched two episodes. Well, they were horrible, taking place in some alternate universe where Starfleet members kill each other to get ahead. So I told Chris we should watch a third episode to get the dark images out of my mind. And we did. But that one turned out to be a 'to be continued'. Arrrrrrrgggggghhhhhh!
I sat down to write my blog while Chris made his sandwich and looked up a couple of characters in the episodes. He went to bed, and I followed when I finished the post.
* This is a quilt pic that I took on Monday. *

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