Saturday, May 12, 2018

Cosplay yard sale

I woke up early, but did not want to get up because I didn't feel like playing hostess. Chris got up though. Finally I could not stay in bed any longer. I got up and dressed and fixed my hair. I sewed a seam but the router was already on. I started reading e-mail. Chris started the laundry. Herberth came out and made scrambled eggs and put them on a tortilla. He talked for awhile. Then he and Chris went to the Space and Rocket Center. I made and ate my breakfast. I took the white load from the washer and put it in the dryer. Then I washed the dark load.
I left the house about 10:30. I went to the Stitchits house and parked. I sat against a tree and started reading a book. When Leanne showed up, I put the book in the car and locked it. I got in her car. She asked for the address of the cosplay yard sale and I just happened to remember it. She typed it into her phone and it gave her voice directions all the way.
We got a good parking space and walked a short way. I went through the stalls, looking for a doublet, but not finding one. I happened upon a book I thought Chris would like, so I bought it for his birthday. Then we stumbled upon (almost literally) two sewing machines. One looked a lot like mine and had the same foot pedal. She said the price was 25ish. We found a place to plug it in and I made sure the pedal worked on both fast and slow speed. I offered her $20 and she said it was worth $30. I offered $25 and she grudgingly accepted. Leanne carried it back to her car while I continued to look around. I found a few pieces of fabric. There was another sewing machine, which did not have a foot. The lady went as low as $10 but I just could not justify another machine. When Leanne found me again, we looked together. She found a book and I found pencils. And we looked at arrowheads but did not need any. Finally I spied two katanas. I called Michele to see if she wanted one, but she did not answer. But I bought one anyway. Then we left.
Patched and Stitches was just around the corner. Leanne brought a quilt top that she wanted to find backing for. We looked around and selected four or five. She picked her favorite and then we discussed binding. She got backing, binding and piping. Then she took me back to my car. I think she would have kept me longer, but I wanted to get the machine home and hide it from Chris before he got home.
When I got home, I brought the machine in and sat it on the floor by my sew-away-from-home stuff. It looked so much like my other one that I figured Chris wouldn't know the difference. I moved the dark load to the dryer. I had a snack and worked on the doublet. I had all the pieces cut out and sewed the darts and shoulder seams. Then I realized I needed some sort of backing for the peplum pieces. Chris and Herberth arrived as I worked it out. Chris laid down for a nap while Herberth talked to me.
I worked on the doublet. He said friends were coming at 4 to pick him up. Beverly called to debug her sewing machine. 4Pm came and went. Finally he said he was going to walk to Gate 8 so I offered him a ride. When we got there, no one was there. But he insisted that I go back home. I asked if he had his phone and he showed it to me. I assumed he could call me if he needed a ride back.
When I got home, I called Beverly back. We had gone through all the usual suspects and I couldn't think of anything else. Chris woke up from his nap and got on his laptop. I drafted some cap sleeves for the doublet. I put on episode 5 of The Human Longevity Project. I had it turned up so I could work at the sewing machine. But soon I sat down to watch the screen because all the centenarians were speaking other languages and I wanted to read the translations. I went for a walk, which took almost an hour. I visited the peony bush in the forest. It was in full bloom. There were some small iris' blooming nearby, but there was poison ivy in the way so I just left.
When I got back, I washed my calves in case of poison. I picked some dandelion in the back yard. I made two bowls of salad and ate them while watching. Chris cooked up the last of the mushrooms for me. When the episode was over, I watched more of the Craftsy class on bindings and edgings.
We watched the next episode of Inspector Lynley. It was one we had seen before, although we did not remember how it worked out. I put some tea tree oil on my itchy ear. Chris got the bedding from the dryer and we dressed the bed. Then he tried calling Herberth again. We hadn't thought to warn him that Gate 8 closes at 9. Chris noticed a Facebook message from Herberth with a different number. Chris called that and told him that only Gate 9 was open. So I typed up my blog while we waited for him. Chris said I could go to bed. So I did.

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