Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's Day surprise

I got up around 7:30. Herberth had just taken his shower, so I took mine and got dressed. I basted the edges of the sleeves for the doublet, then read the card that Chris had left on my laptop. I read e-mail while Chris took his shower. Then they left for the chapel. I ate a fat bomb and some cashews. Then I put a few things in my red purse which matched my red church dress. I took it and all the grocery bags which were mounded up and spilling off of the kitchen table. And I went to church.
I was a bit late leaving, so I sang the song “Get me to the church on time” as I drove. I don't know many of the lyrics so I soon tired of it and tried to think of the lyrics to the song “Wouldn't it be loverly?”. I walked in as the choir was practicing the anthem. I put a reuseable grocery bag in the food panty shelf (the charity requested them). Then I joined the choir. We sang through several times. I got a bullitin and sat in the pew with Don. Cecelia came over to see if I had the magnesium she asked for but I had to tell her it hadn't come yet.
The pastor made a lot of announcements before the service began. One was that a lunch would be served after church by the men in honor of Mother's Day. Our anthem had some lyrics about mothers, but the sermon did not.
After the service, I got in line to greet the pastor. Then I joined the lunch line. I had some fresh fruit and crustless quiche. I talked to a couple I hadn't seen before. I asked Mary (the organist) if she had made a copy of Lamb of God and she hadn't but she did then. She handed it to me on my way out. When I got to the car, I called Chris to meet me at Publix. Then I drove there, slowed by all the traffic of churches letting out at noon.
I threw the pile of used grocery bags in the recycling bin in front of the store. I got a cart and started shopping, thinking Chris would be there any minute. I was starting to get worried when he called. He saw me as I answered and then he took over the cart. Herberth had stayed at the house. So we got the usual groceries and extra eggs and limes for our guest, not knowing exactly what he wanted to eat. As Chris was checking out, I left the store and went home.
When I got home, I changed clothes. Chris came in with the food. I saw the vase of flowers that Herberth had bought for me for Mother's Day. I trimmed the stems and arranged them in the vase. He was busy in his room, so I watered the plants, and then thanked him for his thoughtfulness. He decided to go for a walk to the commissary and PX. I listened to an interview on vaccines. I made and ate my breakfast. After eating, we called Al and Cecily who were at Marie's house. So we also talked to Michele. Then Chris wanted some time alone with me.
I tried to order a present for Dad, but there were so many options. I called and talked to Faye about it. We spoke at length about other things as well. Herberth came back just as I went for a walk. I looked for a special plant to use as a poultice on my ear, but did not find it.
When I got back, I made two bowls of salad. I listened to part of the next episode of the Human Longevity Project while I ate the salad. I paused it to look for trim to put on the sleeves of the doublet. I could not find any. Chris came to let me know he was ready to watch TV. We sat on the couch and watched the next episode of Inspector Lynley. Herberth went to bed at the beginning. After it was over, I found a spider and Chris evicted it. Might be the third one today. Then I sat down to write my blog. I realized that I never made the order and the offer ends at midnight.

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