Sunday, May 6, 2018

Sunday sew-day

I woke up early hearing Herberth up and about. After a while, Chris got up. When I heard my alarm go off, I got up. I took a shower and got dressed for church. Chris was eating oatmeal. I made my breakfast while Herberth made scrambled eggs and toast for himself. I was going to read e-mail, but he talked until it was time for him and Chris to leave for the chapel. I started listening to an interview, and reading e-mail. But it wasn't long before I had to leave myself.
I got in my car and headed to the church. It was a lovely sunny day and I had the windows slightly down. When I got to the church, I went inside, carrying the baby blanket for Jennifer. Cecelia gave me the magnesium oil that I lent her. She said the magnesium powder helped, but she would rather have it in a capsule. I gave the blanket to Jennifer and she loved it, maybe because it had owls on it. The choir arrived and we sang through the anthem. Then I hit the restroom.
I sat by Don. Something he said made me remember that today is the first Sunday of the month. So I wrote a check and put it in a pew envelop. Then the service started. The choir did well on the anthem and a lady complimented us during the passing of the peace. John said I had a lovely voice. Don said I was the nicest woman he knew.
After the service, Cecelia said she wanted me to order her magnesium capsules. Mary said she'd make a copy of Lamb of God so I could play it during the service. Then I got in my car and called Chris to say I was on my way to Publix. So was he. I met him and Herberth in aisle 4. We shopped together. After checking out, Chris took the groceries home and I went to quilting with the Renegades.
Usually they are finishing up lunch when I get there, but today I must have been early. Laura offered to share her table with me. So I helped her with her project. Seems they were all working on sort of a rag cathedral window design. No one was particulary emamored of it, but it was a quilt-as-you-go project and our longarmer was taking a leave of absence. So I sewed rows of green circles together while she put squares inside and top stitched the flanges down.
Around 1 or so, we broke for lunch. They were waiting for the lady who was bringing the chicken, but she did not show up. Laura brought some salad with no dressing so I ate a bit of that, and drank the can of coconut water that I'd brought.
When I had made all the rows she needed, I rooted through the fabric piles to find something to coordinate with the backing. I cut strips from it and sewed them to either side of the backing to make it wide enough. Then I pressed it at the ironing board while the others packed up. I folded the top inside the backing and placed it on the pile of tops turned in. When the area was clean and clear of tables and chairs, we left.
I went home. It was quiet because Chris was taking Herberth to Tuscaloosa. So I had time to listen and to read e-mail. I also ate two bowls of salad, and a bowl of soup with beef. When Chris got home, I split open a coconut and ate that. Then I went for a walk. I visited the peony bush blooming in the forest. To my surprise, it was brilliant red. I plucked a bud and hid it in my shirt and walked home. There I put it in a vase with water. I resumed reading e-mail and listening to whatever was playing.
Chris resumed the episode of Inspector Lynley. Then we watched another, which put us at 11pm. He looked up a couple actors, made his sandwich and went to bed. I wrote my blog from scratch, not have jotted any notes during the day. Then I went to bed as well.

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