Thursday, May 3, 2018

Second blanket

I got up before the alarm went off. I cleared my sewing table of strips and squares. I rolled up the banner project. Then I sewed two small squares together. I turned on the router and started putting ingredients in the bread machine while it warmed up. Then I deleted some e-mail and started an interview on heart health. The speaker was against all dairy products and saturated fat. Definitely vegan. Still listening, I spread out the fabric for the second baby blanket. I cut a 32 inch square and used a CD to round the corners. The interview ended and I moved to the Bible Health Secrets episode 2. That was mostly about why we should take health advice from the Bible. One man said that fruit was the first food in Eden and that when we got kicked out, we had to grow vegetables. He jokingly said vegetables were part of the curse. I know someone who would agree with that wholeheartedly. When that was over, I listened to a podcast on dehydration. She said that the water inside fruits and vegetables is better and more hydrating than water in a glass.
I finished the baby blanket and took a pic of it. Then I folded all the leftover fabric. The smell of strawberries caught my attention so I pulled them out of the fridge. How I could smell them from there, I don't know. I washed a handful in a bowl. It was a little early to break my fast, but water is allowed on fasting days and I wanted the water inside the strawberries. I also ate a fat bomb and cinnamon to stabilize my blood sugar. I ate a few and froze the rest. Then I made breakfast.
After breakfast, I took the insurance form and headed to the car. I noticed that the tomatoes needed watering so I did that before leaving. First stop was the gas station. I put 10 gallons in my car. Then I went to the bank to deposit the insurance checks. Finally I went to quilting. Pat reminded me of the book I promised to order. I spread out all my red panels and Leanne helped me lay them in some order. Then I started sewing them together, trying to keep any one seam from going all the way across. I sewed until only two people were left. We packed up and headed out.
I stopped at the Acupuncture store on the way home. There were policemen in the parking lot. Apparently a man drove his car into the acupunturist' car. The lady doctor called the police, who said it wasn't their problem. But then she explained that the man was either drunk or on drugs. So the police came. She told me the story over and over. I wondered what reaction she was looking for. I think she was nervous about calling the police because she had never done it before. I assured her that she had done the right thing. Then I explained what information was needed on the form and the man wrote it in the blanks. Then, as we were chatting, the drunk man in the parking lot was arrested and a policeman came into the acupuncture store. So I took my leave, and went home.
I checked the tomatoes for blossom end rot, and saw that a squirrel had taken a bite. Sadly, I noted that there were no flowers on the plants. So no new tomatoes are forming. I went inside and greeted Chris who was sitting at his laptop, fuming at the Facebook app on his phone. I checked my e-mail and had a bite to eat. I read e-mail and had another bite to eat. I got a call from Melissa at Dream Maker. We set up an appointment on Monday morning to have her run my bars. Don't ask me to explain it 'cause that's why I'm going – to find out what it is (and see if it helps).
Then I went for a walk. It was after six and the roads were relatively free of traffic. It took me about half an hour. It was almost time for my skype call. I searched my computer for the Emotion Code list, but it was easier to find online. I left it up and signaled my tapping buddy. Soon we were in conversation. This was her week so I used the list to try to find her core issue. I am not sure we did, but it brought up stuff that was worth working on. We finished about 8:30.
Chris and I sat down to watch Enterprise. The first episode was ok, but in the second one, Trip died. And that was the series ender. :( Chris made his sandwich and went to bed. I got dressed for bed, then sat down to write my blog post. My massage therapist texted me that she had an opening for tomorrow so I took it. Now I am going to post this so I can hit the hay.
* With this done, I have no excuses not to start Michele's project. Or so I tell myself. *

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