Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The only explanation I could think of

I got up between 7:30 and 8. I got dressed and went to the car to get Michele's doublet and the battings and backings from yesterday. I drank some lemon water and sewed on one button, then I turned on the router. I started the coffee on the stove. I went in the backyard to do some trimming while soaking up some morning sunlight. I did my drybrushing. Then I read some e-mail until the niacin kicked in. I started my exercises. I kept taking small breaks to put music on the desktop, throw out dead flowers, trim my toenails, put some myrrh on my tick bite and jot notes for my blog. I gathered up my dyed fabrics and put them in order by color. I listened to a short interview on Oxytocin; for empathy, bone density, weight loss, appetite suppressant, increased collagen, increased muscle, and reduced insulin resistance.
I meditated and tapped. I started cleaning. I watered the plants. I continued cleaning. I skipped the floors and took a shower. I put laundry away. I changed my thread color back to white. I made a drawing for Jeanne. I put away all the pattern pieces into their respective envelopes. I folded some of Chris' laundry.
I went to have a massage. I got there shortly before 2:30, but we talked for some time, discussing which areas needed treatment and her usual approach. Then she left so I could get undressed and get under the blanket. When she came back, she felt for my spinal flow, then massaged my calves and back and shoulders. Then I had to lay on my left side while she did the right neck and shoulder, then on my right side while she did my left neck and shoulder. Then I flipped over for more calf and shoulder work. When it was over, I got dressed and went up front to pay. We got into another discussion. She showed me a pool float that I could lay on to stretch my shoulders.
Chris called and said he had to go past the bank to pick up some cupcakes, and to come in the back way. So I ended the conversation and went home. There was a police car and yellow tape preventing anyone from going beyond our driveway. I was lucky I could get in. I drank some water. Chris was ready to go and I noticed my keys were missing. We hunted around and eventually he went out to my car to look. He came back with the keys and said not only hadn't I locked the car, it was still running. That made no sense to me since I remember getting out and locking the door. The only explanation I could come up with was that the engine stopped automatically when I parked. I got out and pushed the lock button down, but since the keys were inside, it did not lock. Then after 2 minutes, the engine started up again. Maybe.
Ok, so we went out the back way of the neighborhood, and proceeded down Airport Road and stopped at the bank. We deposited a check then went to the fish market, because right beside it was Small Cakes, where an order of cupcakes was waiting to be picked up for work tomorrow. He picked up the two dozen regular cupcakes and picked out 4 large ones for the birthday people, of whom he was one. That was over $100 worth. They also sell Pup-cakes, for man's best friend.
Then we went to the fish market and got a salmon filet (for me because Chris doesn't care for salmon). Right across the street was CVS. He made it across and we went in to have passport photos taken. It took longer than we thought because the printing machine was being finicky. Then we got in the car and went home.
Chris asked if he should cook the filet tonight, but I said no because I fast on Wednesdays. So I put it in the freezer. Chris got a 'serious incidents' report in his e-mail and we learned that there was a suicide a few doors down. I considered going for a walk, but my phone rang. It was Jennifer and we talked for some time. She wanted to go do the ionic foot detox with me on Friday. After I hung up with her, I went for a walk, choosing run part of the way. When I got back, I made a mug of bone broth to sip while reading e-mail.
It was after 8:30 when Chris was ready to watch TV. We saw one episode of Inspector Lynley. Then he looked up something and went to bed. I stayed up to research alternatives to crowns (because a crown suffocates the tooth, not allowing dentinal fluid to flow). But it got late, so I let it go in order to post to my blog and get some sleep.
* The specialty cupcake store *

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