Friday, May 4, 2018

Productive day

I got up at 7:30. I cut some nine-patches into 4ths and sewed one back together. Then I spent more than half an hour looking for a pattern to use for Michele's project. I turned on the router and read e-mail. I drank a quart of lemon water. I had some seed crackers with hummus. I copied the insurance form and put it in an envelop to mail to the insurance company. I put some water in a water bottle to take with me. I watered the tomatoes and picked one that something had bitten. Grrrr!
I went to the massage place. I had a book, thinking she might be late. But she was already there, maybe having finished with someone else? We talked about this and that, catching up. I showed her the black pepper oil and deep muscle massage blend that I brought. She added drops of each to her oil bottle. I hope her next client likes it! It was a good massage. Because we caught up first, there was not so much talking. She knows my chiropractor and the reiki guy from Dream Maker. Afterward, I paid her and went back to my car.
Instead of going straight home, I stopped by the little Asian place by the parkway. I wanted a green coconut and they were 3/$5 so I got three. Then I went to Goodwill. I did not see any patterns like what Michele wanted, but found a jacket in similar material and style. I got that. Then I stopped by The Humane Society thrift shop. They had lots of patterns and I picked up 5, two were for me.
When I got home, I checked the mail. I found more tomatoes that had been bitten. Grrrr x 10! I put on today's interviews so I could listen while making breakfast.
I read e-mail while listening. I started taking apart the jacket. Chris came home from work. I ordered the book that Pat asked for. I looked for payment options for the church to use for donations. I looked at the measurements that Michele sent and compared them with mine (probably a mistake).
I went for a long walk. Sometimes I left the road to check on things blooming in the forest nearby. But the appearance of poison ivy was a deterrent. When I got home, I drained one of the coconuts and cracked it open to eat the meat.
I spread out the patterns that I bought today. I compared them to Michele's measurements. One of them was missing a critical piece. One had indecipherable instructions (Vogue). So only one was suitable. I laid it over the jacket that I bought. Although it was a size smaller than it said she needed, it was as big as the jacket, which was only slightly tight on me. I think I will have to cut it down a lot. Using pattern measurements has never worked for me. The project always comes out too big. I just wish she was here so I could try it on her before the final cut and sew.
I started listening to the next episode of Bible Health Secrets. While Chris loaded the DVD for F-Troop, I made a mug of hot bone broth and took it into the living room. We watched the 4 episodes together. Then he put on the first episode of Inspector Lynley. It seemed familiar but I could not remember how it turned out. It was after 11 when it ended. I treated my mole with the baking soda and castor oil mixture. It seems to be healing, rather than going away.
I had written most of my blog post already, so all I had to do was finish it up and get ready for bed.
* This is one of the blocks I cut up. *

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