Thursday, May 24, 2018

Me in my natural environment

I stayed in bed late not wanting to face packing and crowns and the acupuncture Facbook page and the post office, etc. But then I heard my alarm go off in the diningroom, signalling that it was only 7:30. I got up, put my hair in a ponytail, and sewed on the remaining buttons for the doublet. I put it on the dressmaker's dummy and took a pic. I turned on the router while picking up here and there and putting away more laundry. Not sure where that pile came from. Beverly called to thank me for teaching her how to join the ends of binding. I went to the post office to pick up a package from Swansons. He assured me that their package area was air conditioned in case I was on vacation when the next package came. I called the dentist to talk about having an onlay instead of a crown. I talked to the receptionist and she said she'd have the dentist call back when free. I called the acupuncture place and made the appointment Jennifer wanted. I also told them I had added an e-mail address to the page and they needed to confirm it so it would be active. Then I made three breakfasts and refilled some of the containers for traveling. I ate my breakfast while reading e-mail. I discovered that the bottle of kombucha that I bought last fall and left in the cupboard had finally grown a scoby! But I did not have time to make it some tea.
I took the doublet and material and went to quilting. Susan took a pic of me with the hand-dyed fabric spread out. Leanne showed off her cigar box guitar. She played a song on it, but I could not hear a note of it. I finished the red quilt top and Susan took a pic of that, too. Then I made two strip blocks. It was going on 2, so I packed up and went home.
I ate lunch which consisted of leftovers. I made more of two mixes for traveling. I watered the plants. I played Solitaire while listening to an interview on EMF stress. I made more supplement doses to last all next week. I made a batch of remineralizing toothpaste using eggshells from local hens.
Chris came home late from work. He packed his clothes in 5 minutes and proudly announced that he was all packed. I brought my sewing stuff in from the car. I put the doublet in a bag with some items for other people.
I took my laptop to the guest room. My tapping buddy called and we talked for a bit, then tapped for my tooth and not knowing exactly what to do with it. The call lasted until 8:30. I moved my laptop back to the diningroom. Then we watched the next episode of Inspector Lynley. We discussed which plants could stay inside and be ok for a week. Then Chris went to bed. I stayed up to blog and got caught up in a game of Solitaire.

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