Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Russel Cave

I got up at 7:30 after hearing my alarm go off. I got dressed and went to collate the recyclables. I separated them into three bags: paper, plastic, cans. The curbside recycling doesn't take glass. I took the bags outside and found that the bin was already at the street. I walked up to it to put the bags in and discovered a large white trash bag in it. I went inside to ask Chris about it and he said he didn't do it. I remembered Herberth taking the trash out one day so I checked in the trash bin and it was empty. Putting all the clues together, I took the white bag from the recycling and put it in the trash bin. I watered the plants.
Chris said they were going to see Russel Cave and did I want to come along. I asked if they could wait until 11 to go and be back before 6 when the farmer's market closes. Chris said he could not guarantee that. So I ate a fat bomb and went to sewing earlier than usual. When I got there, Jane said as much.
I set up my machine at a back table, then walked up to the table of scrap strips. I handed a bag of my soft sewing trash to Anita for dog beds. Then I picked up a square of backing, one of batting and some strips. A lady came up to me and said she wanted to watch me make a square. So we went back to my machine. I invited her to pull up a chair and I threaded the machine. I explained the process and sewed on a couple of strips. Then I invited her to sew on a few. And I let her pin the next ones. She seemed to enjoy it. She pressed it at the ironing board, and then I showed her how to trim it. She remarked on my choice of colors and I told her to pick one strip that was colorful and then others to go with it. So she started picking out her own to take home and sew. I picked another selection and took them to my table. Beverly set up next to me. She had a quilt she was binding but wanted to see a demonstration of how to connect the ends. I showed her how I pin it, then took it all out and let her try it from scratch. I don't think she'll have any problems. I finished the second block and packed up.
After loading my stuff in the car, I drove to the Asian store and got a package of kimbap. Then I hurried back to base, trying to be on time. Since we were to go visit a cave, I put on some baggy pants and socks. I filled a water bottle with filtered water. Then the three of us got in his car and headed East.
It took about an hour and a half to reach Russel Cave. We spent some time in the visitor's center reading the captions and watching the short movie. Then we walked the boardwalk to the cave. It was more like a large niche, not a tunnel. And we were not supposed to leave the board walk. Apparently lots of artifacts had been dug up covering centuries worth of civilizations.
After visiting the cave, we took the trail. I found the plant I was looking for days ago. I chewed up one leaf and put it behind my right ear. Then we followed the trail. It was several miles of sloped asphalt – quite a workout in the heat. I took lots of pics and Herberth liked taking movie segments and speaking.
When we got back to the building, I refilled my water bottle. Then we went back to the car. Soon after we hit the road, it started to rain. I imagined all the rain falling in my back yard and nourishing the lawn. On the way home, the men talked about going out to eat. They decided on barbeque, so they left me off at the house and went to find a restaurant. I checked the mail, and picked up the empty milk jug from last week. I drove to the farmer's market, finding less traffic than I anticipated. I looked around a bit on the way to the goat farm booth. I handed in the jug, and said I was not ready for more. But the man remembered that I had lived in Korea so he asked me questions about it. The conversation went on and then the rain hit. We continued to talk. I put up my umbrella since I was so close to the side of the tent. The other man there kept emptying the water that was collecting on his side. But I guess no one noticed the water collecting in the back until the tent collapsed, breaking my umbrella. I was soaked and I ran for my car, surprised how deep the water in the parking lot was.
When I got home, I started making a salad. Herberth came in, and put more beer in the fridge. Chris was behind him mouthing 'I tried to stop him'. I checked e-mail as I ate. I realized that I was going to be late for the modern quilt guild meeting. Actually I did not feel like driving since I was still soaked. So I sent a message and relaxed and ate.
Herberth wanted to look at my guitar. So I pointed it out in the closet and he was able to get it down. He opened it up to look at it while I sat down with the doublet. He came back soon and asked if I wanted the good news first or the bad news. I elected for bad. He said one of the strings was broken, but that it was a good guitar. He showed me the broken string. I went back to sewing on the doublet. He took a shower. I tried to fix the string by wapping thread around one end to make it large enough to hold in the bridge. He tried it, but it did not hold. He said he and Chris could pick up new strings in Atlanta. I went back to the doublet. I cut down the front peplum pieces by 1.5 inches. I pinned the peplum pieces on in the the only way I could think of. I started sewing around the edges of the armpits. Chris turned on the TV, so I sat with him and we watched an episode of Inspector Lynley.
Afterward, I took my evening supplements. Chris and Herberth went to bed. I wrote up my blog post and sifted through the pics, looking for the best one. Then I went to bed.
* Guess who? *

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