Friday, May 11, 2018

Not much progress

I got up before 8. I put my hair up because, at its present length, it is too hot to wear down. I removed some things from the guest room to have it ready for tonight. One thing was a roll of yellow tulle. I cut a long piece off and sewed the ends together. Then I carefully placed it over the second tomato plant for its protection.
I turned on the router and assembled ingredients in the bread machine. I drank water while listening to the rest of the episode from yesterday. I paused it near the end to go outside and trim part of the yard. I swept dirt and leaves from the porch, but there was nowhere for it to go. I watered the plants out back and the ones out front. Then I finished the episode and the quart of lemon water. The subject was food, how people years ago ate whatever they had, produced locally, and no more than they needed since it was labor-intensive to produce.
Facebook told me that one of my friends was interested in a local event. So I clicked the link and saw that there was a Yardsale for Nerds and Cosplay. I wondered if there would be doublets there. I told Beverly what street it was on and she seemed to know where it was.
I was outside watering the flowers when the mailman stopped at the bank of mailboxes. I went inside to get my keys. When the truck moved away, I went to get my mail. I threw out the junk ones and laid the other two on Chris' laptop. I threw the bathroom rugs and some fabrics in the wash.
I listened to an interview while making and eating breakfast. I drafted the peplum, then pinned the front, back, and peplum pieces for the doublet to the heavy fabric. I cut out the back, then realized I needed to redraw the front, and that changed the front facing as well. I got a piece of solid brown for the facings and l hunted up a length of interfacing.
I drove to the post office to get the mail. There was a lot of junk and a few bills for Chris. I noticed that the Ghostbusters van parked outside was just leaving as I came out. I took pics, but it was too late to get a good one. Before I returned home, I stopped at the library. I had a romance novel with me that I got at the thrift shop. I perused the book exchange shelf and traded it for a book on health. Then I went home.
I was just about to start watching the next episode of the Human Longevity Project when the front door opened and in walked Chris and Herberth. Chris had said he needed to drive to Tuscaloosa to pick him up, so I wasn't expecting them until 8 or 9. But someone had given Herberth a ride most of the way. The men came in with boxes of beer and some food. Chris was able to stuff it all in our fridge. We all talked for awhile, then the three of us went for a walk. It was only a couple of miles. Chris pointed out the different kinds of trees. Herberth enjoyed seeing the wildlife.
When we got home, I cut out one pattern piece from interfacing. Craftsy was having a free watch weekend, so I started watching a class on linings and facings and interfacings. I did not have much luck finding the information I wanted. But I realized that there was a lot to know that I did not know.
Chris and Herberth decided to go to the Fireman's Pub for supper. I encouraged Chris to change his shirt since he was all sweaty. After the two of them left, I finished the next episode, then started watching Craftsy. But soon the men were back. Apparently the pub was not serving food. Herberth took a shower and went to his room. Chris heated chicken in the oven and made rice. I picked some dandelion from the back yard and made a salad. I had some chicken as well. Herberth came out and talked to us. Then he went back in his room to communicate with people back in Honduras. Later he came back to get a plate of food. I guess he ate it in the guest room.
We watched one episode of Inspector Lynley. Then Chris went to bed. I stayed up to piece my day together and write it down.
* I ain't afraid of no ghosts. *

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