Monday, May 21, 2018

Revealing the beauty

I got up about 8. I sewed two patches together and turned on the router. I put my hair up out of my way. I had to turn on the 5g signal to get my laptop to find the 2.4 signal. Weird. I listened to an audio while ironing 10 of the fat quarters dry. It was very satisfying to take a dark ball of fabric, spread it out and iron it flat, watching the dappled designs appear. I brought in the jar of honey that I put outside in the heat yesterday. It was upside down and all the honey had moved to the top. I played a video on grafting fruit trees while I made and ate breakfast. I gathered together all the supplements I needed to take to the doctor this afternoon. Then I gathered some fabric and patterns to contribute to the swap/donate day at quilting. My machine was already in the car, so I just grabbed the supplements and fabrics and headed out.
On the way, I stopped at the gas station to fill the tank. I wrote the mileage on the receipt and went on to the church. Then I made an entry in my gas log book. I pulled the machine and red project and give-aways and carted it all to the quilting room. The ladies already had stuff on the front table where they usually eat lunch. I left my stuff there and rolled my machine to the back to set up. A few ladies were just leaving for exercise class. I showed off the doublet, which is finished except for the buttons. Then Lauri showed me the newest charity project. I took a pic of the block but promptly forgot the dimensions. I chatted with the group. I looked through the give-aways and picked out some red scraps and a book or two. The ladies looked through a stack of old quilt tops. Some were nicely done Sunbonnet Sue's but the sashing was purple. I worked on my red project, finally getting it into one piece which needed a 2 by 14 inch pieced strip.
Then I had to pack up in order to be at the doctor by 3. I said goodbye to Lauri who was still there working on a baby quilt. It did not take long to get where I was going. I chatted with the receptionist while the doctor finished his lunch hour (or 2). then he ushured me into the exam room. He asked how the different sections of my back felt. He adjusted my neck and upper back, but without any quick twists. We discussed how acupuncture just isn't working. He muscled tested me for all the supplements and most seemed to be working. He gave me an open bottle of evening primrose oil to try. I showed him the tick bite and he recommended I see an MD.
I paid and made my next appointment. A lady in the waiting room talked about the hosta sale by the Hosta Society of North Alabama. But that was last weekend. Then I went home. Chris was there. He told me that he got a card to use the PX at Housing.
So I went over there to get one, too. I told the lady I need to have a tick bite checked out and she suggested the health department. I went home to look it up. I did not see anything on their website that said they did testing, just reports of test results, like how many cases of Lyme disease for the last 5 years. I texted Beverly. I saw a paragraph from the CDC saying that a black legged tick needed to attach for at least 24 hours to pass on Lyme disease. I figured mine was attached for a max of 12 hours.
I put my fanny pack out back to dry. Then I went for a walk around the neighborhood. It gets kind of boring since there isn't much to it. I ran for a minute a few times. When I passed the playground, I went to the climbing bars. It was a short structure, about 5 feet tall. I wanted to hang upside down, but was surprised how hard it was to get my feet up there. I guess I am just not used to those motions any more. Eventually my feet went up and my head went down. My hands touched the ground while I hung there. But I didn't stay long due to fear that my back might suddenly have a tantrum. Then I went home.
Chris was making onion soup. I put some in a bowl to eat while I read about Lyme disease. Then I put salad greens in a bowl to soak and cut up some garlic. I spent half an hour ironing the rest of the dyed fabrics. Then I finished my salad and ate it. I watched a QnA from the Human Longevity Project. When Chris was ready, we watched the next episode of Inspector Lynley. Chris made his sandwich while I collated the recyclables. SOMEbody did not empty their soda cans before they put them in the bin. Since neither Chris nor I drink soda... At least all the beer is gone from the fridge and there is room for the food. I left the bags by the door for Chris to take out tomorrow. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to post to my blog.

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