Thursday, January 24, 2019

Energizer Earl

I slept pretty well last night, but still had trouble getting up in the morning. Nature got me up, but then I got back in bed. Sigh. When I finally did start my day, it was almost 9. The router was already on, so I played the first episode of Your Best Years Start Now summit. It was over 2 hours long. I satin-stitched for a bit, then took my morning supplements. I boiled water for nuts and tea. I wrote a condolence card to Celeste. Then I got dressed and put it in the mail.
I made and ate breakfast. Then I loaded my machine in the car and went to quilting. When I got there, I set up my machine for free-motion quilting. But I didn't get very far because the bobbin ran out. So I wound another one. But the whole time, I was talking to one person or another. One lady had a degree in law so I was asking her about the Korean doctors' predicament. She recommended reading the lease, and investigating the possibility of them making house calls instead of having a place of business.
After she left, Pat talked told me about her ex-husband and family matters. Around 2, Christie said we should pack up, so we did. I closed all the blinds. We proceeded to our cars and went our separate ways. On the way home, my odometer hit 9000 miles.
It was a sunny day. So I ate some beef, and then went for a walk. I did not time it. When I got back, I continued listening to the episode while bagging recyclables and playing Solitaire. I paused it when William called. He said our dad was in the hospital after falling while walking the neighborhood. Dad wanted to go home, but the ambulance took him to the nearest hospital. He was bruised and his pulse was low. After William hung up, I called Faye who was staying at the hospital with Dad. She told me this might be a blessing in disguise because the doctors were running so many tests. They might discover something his regular doctors missed. He was fully conscious, and had never passed out. I talked directly to hi for awhile. He sounded like his usual self. Faye sent me a pic, and he looked like he'd been in a fight. But nothing was broken. Other than his low pulse and blood pressure, everything was normal. And the cardiologist thought heart function would soon return to normal. (He just keeps going.) However, there was some discussion of a need for 24 hour care at home as a prerequisite for getting discharged from the hospital. I agreed to fly up there if needed.
Chris came home from a function. He took some stuff out to his car. I made and ate salad. I also ate what was left of the watermelon from the freezer. I wrote a letter for the Korean doctors and sent them a copy to use in case I cannot be there next week. I started printing pages from an allergy report. When Chris was ready, we watched two episodes of ST:NG. Wesley saved the day once again. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog and consider the ramifications of being gone for a week or more.
* These are Christie's blocks *

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