Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The high sign

I got up around 8. Following my usual morning schedule, I finished satin-stitching the brown circle on the banner. Later in the schedule, I read some e-mail. Then I got dressed and took my fleece strips to quilting.
I was intending to work on the latest rug, but when I got there, Anita and Thelma were working on dog beds. No one else was helping them, so I offered my assistance. Anita said I could stuff the 'pillows' that she and Thelma were making. So that's what I did. Thelma did some stuffing too, since I couldn't stuff fast enough to keep them both busy sewing them shut. I found some fleece in the stuffing bags that was the perfect color for my rug, so I set it aside. When most of the stuffing was used up, we quit sewing. We sorted through a bag of scraps that had just come in to make sure there was no paper or plastic in it. We also took out any usable strips, or yardage that could be made into a dog bed cover.
When we were done, I went to the Asian store for kimbap. I took it home and ate it with kimchi. Mmmmm. I was still hungry so I made breakfast. I had a chance to read e-mail then, but the cover screen for the computer got me into reading a story about a guy who builds gardens in old swimming pools.
After eating, I bundled up again and drove to the church. The secretary was just leaving, but we had a conversation about quilting. I did not know that she dabbled in it. She said I could use her desk to count the money since the pastor's office was full of painting supplies and the other office was full of … stuff. After she left, I set up at her desk. I counted the money and recorded it first on paper, and then on the computer. I printed out all the reports and filed them in the appropriate boxes.
I was making good time. I put everything back and headed out. I stopped at the bathroom just in case. Bad plan? I did not realize until after I finished going, that there was a bulletin hanging over the stall door. It was above my eye level, and it said 'out of order'. I tried flushing, but nothing happened. I thought the chain was off, so I opened the tank and saw that it was empty. Not daring to turn the water on, I went to the kitchen and got a pitcher. I poured several pitchers of water into the bowl, but it did not flush. So I gathered the courage to turn the water on and let the tank fill. Then it flushed quite nicely and I turned the water off again. So much for being ahead of schedule.
I went to the bank and made the deposit. There was only one since we had no checks marked for the capital fund. Then I went home. I checked the mail and found one piece for Chris. When I got inside, he had several packages for me. Two were supplements and one was printer cartridges. I thought I had ordered a black and a colored one, but instead I got two black ones. Chris installed one for me. He had brussel sprouts roasting in the oven. I read e-mail awaiting their finishing. But one of the links led me to Facebook and there was an announcement of the time for tonight's meeting. It was at 6, not 7. So I had to get ready. Chris took the sprouts out so I could have some before I left. Then I put a quilt and some rugs in a bag to take along for sew and tell.
I arrived just at 6. The tables were full so they set up another one and soon it was full too. The agenda was long. Sew and Tell was near the top. I took some pics but was not in a good spot for it. Then each committee head talked about what they needed help with while a sign-up sheet went around. Later 7 ladies talked about their sewing space and passed around pictures of them. There was also a discussion of sewing goals. I agreed to accept bags of scraps for dog beds. (I may regret that)
After the meeting, I wrote a check for dues and handed it to the treasurer. I got in two more discussions before I got away to make the trip home. I took a slightly longer way because I was tired of driving on the parkway.
Chris was ready to watch TV when I got home since it was a little after 8. But I wanted supper, so I made a salad. By the time I had eaten all of it, it was almost 9. I gathered my fleece strips and sat on the couch. Chris sat with me and we watched one episode of Call the Midwife while I sewed strips together and crocheted. Then we watched one episode of The IT Crowd, since it was short. After that, Chris went to bed and I stayed up to take my evening supplements and write to my blog. I had taken a lot of pics at the meeting, so I had to delete the blurry ones and crop the rest so I would have something for my blog.
* A lovely quilt from one of the members of our guild. *

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