Monday, January 21, 2019

Getting caught up

I got up at 9:30, although my phone said 10:30. I followed the first part of my morning schedule. Then Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. Later he took a shower and then I showered. I pulled the cases off of the pillows. I rinsed the seeds that were soaking overnight. I took more supplements, and ate a prepared breakfast while checking e-mail and then listening to episode 6 on depression. Things that have been shown to help: niacin, exercise, sunlight, low sugar diet, bioavailable curcumin, SAMe, lithium orotate, socializing. It was hitting pretty close to home. The speakers were able to put into words the feelings that I could not.
I paused it at noon to gather my quilt and sewing gear and head for my car. I drove to the gas station and filled the tank. Then I went to the church for quilting.
Some ladies were finishing up lunch, but there was space for me at a back table. I set up there. Rebecca explained about the circles for the next charity quilt and I took two. With the machine set up, I got the quilt in place to continue quilting. Mary Ann told me about a Netflix show featuring Marie Kondo who visits people's houses and helps them declutter and organize.
I worked on the quilt a little at a time, talking to Alice and Rachael. Eventually only Rachael and I were left. I got to the end of a row and packed up, so she did too. We turned out the lights and went home.
Chris was not there, so I resumed listening to the episode on depression. The speakers were able to put into words the feelings that I could not. I ate beef and yucca while it played. It was over by the time Chris came home. I knew he had been to the office, but he came in with bags of groceries as well. As he unpacked, he asked me to throw the sheets into the dryer. (He had done laundry as well.) I folded all of my clothes and put them away. I folded some of his stuff, too. He roasted brussel sprouts with coconut oil in the oven and I ate a few. I felt better on those than the ones last week which were roasted in olive oil. I opened a coconut, drained the water, cracked it open, and then scraped out the insides. It was a lot of work, but very tasty. I made a salad and ate that. I played solitaire until he was ready to watch TV.
But instead, we listened to the rest of the book on CD. I thought there would be time to finish the CD and fit in an episode of ST:NG, but it took too long. We dressed the bed and he retired for the night. I stayed up to blog and take my evening supplements.
* One of Larry and Trish's dogs. Ever hopeful. *

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