Saturday, January 26, 2019

Sudden decision

I got up at 8:30 after having a very interesting dream which I cannot now remember. I brushed and swished and did some satin-stitching on the banner. I drank a quart of water. I turned on the router and the laptop. I boiled water for nuts and tea. I printed my hair analysis results while listening to a podcast. I had to copy/paste from the original results to a file because some of the words were printed in color and I needed them to be black. My printer is out of color. I also had to reformat the columns. The speaker of the podcast I was listening to said that just having an eye chart in the room improved vision over time.
I made and ate breakfast while reading e-mail. Then I went for a walk because it was a sunny (if cold) day. When I got back, I called Faye to see what the situation was. Patrick was visiting. I talked to Dad for a while, but it was hard to hear him over the TV in his room. He said he was in a restaurant on the second floor of the hospital. Hmmm. Faye said he was joking.
I listened to podcasts while doing chores. I put away a bag of Swansons supplements. I trimmed a quilt top that came from Blanket Daze. I looked at fabric for adding borders. I texted Beverly to see how she was getting along after her father died. She called me and we talked.
I watched a tapping video on shame in the chakras. I took apart some trimmings from a casserole cover while it played. I took the pot wrappers off of two poinsettias and discovered that they were wet inside. I put plastic bags underneath them to protect the floor. I watched a video on replacing a diverter in the shower.
I ate the last of the beef, and watched a tapping video. Then I moved my laptop to the guest room to call my tapping buddy but the signal was too weak. I moved back to the dining room. We started our call but the picture kept freezing. Chris came home and was as quiet as he could be. She and I had to go to audio only. We tapped until 8:30, and it seemed to help.
I texted Faye to find out about any new developments. We watched one episode of ST:NG. I could tell Faye needed me, so Chris made plane reservations for me while I pulled myself together. I started packing, then stopped to make a batch of seed crackers. Then I ran around the house throwing stuff in my suitcase and carry-on. He did not see the need for supplements or special foods, but I packed some anyway. Sadly I had to leave the liquid stuff behind. I did not know whether to pack a project to work on, or if I would be too busy. When everything was packed except what I needed first thing in the morning, I sat down to write my blog, surprised that it was after midnight.
* This is one of Beverly's quilts that I don't think I have posted before. *

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