Friday, January 18, 2019

Going to Augusta

I got up at 8:30. I drank some green tea, put the trampoline in the garage and jumped on it for a couple minutes. That was something recommended for burning fat.

I brushed and swished. I drank water, and sewed strips together. I pulled out several rows of the rug. I boiled water, and turned on my computer. I listened to the next episode while crocheting the rest of the rug, and took notes.
I pulled out several empty containers to make extra breakfasts. I made 4 of them, and put all the relevant items in a food box. I started filling water bottles. The filter was kind of slow, so I had to work around that. I boiled some ginger and turmeric root for tea and added some of that to each water bottle, then filled them up when water was available.
I took a shower to get the onion juice out of my hair. But then my head itched intolerably. I remembered that Dr. Grace said something about a vinegar rinse. Also, my comb was full of white stuff which I thought was dead skin, but maybe it was the bar shampoo. So I sprayed my head with vinegar, massaged it in, and rinsed it out. My hair felt cleaner and the itch lessened.
I pulled out a small suitcase. As I got dressed, I threw in underwear and pajamas. I went out to my car to get the tea and onion juice that Dr. Grace gave me yesterday. I saw a package on my porch that was for our neighbor. So I took it over and made sure she got it. I also realized the weather was unusually nice.
I got a text from Dr. Lee asking how to get an Alabama acupuncture license. I texted back that there wasn't one. He wanted to know how to answer an e-mail and I said I would look at it next week. Score one for setting boundaries!
I ate breakfast while watching a video on using melanin for radiation exposure. I took a walk, came back and finished packing food box and toiletries bag. Chris came home, not happy that I wasn't ready. He called Larry and said we were on our way. I asked him to boil some eggs. I looked up the weather in Augusta and packed my suitcase. He put gas in the car and then we loaded our stuff. Lastly, I pulled the eggs from the stove and rinsed them. Chris put them back in the box while I ate the egg that cracked.
Then we got in the car. He started driving while I picked a book on CD for us to listen to. He had an assortment of Clive Cussler. On the trip, I ate some seed crackers and drank tea. As we were driving by Atlanta, we stopped at Chick-fil-a to use the restroom. Chris bought two chicken sandwiches. They smelled so good! He ate them while driving back onto the highway.
Eventually we pulled off at the exit nearest Larry's house. The phone GPS turned itself off. Chris had to reset it. Then we followed it down Wrightsboro and it proclaimed us to be at our destination. But we could not find it in the dark. We had to call Larry. We had to drive very slowly to see which dark driveway was actually an unmarked road. Then we pulled into his driveway. Larry came out to greet us. I tried to text Silvia, but my phone said there was no signal. Larry showed us to a room we could spend the night in. He gave us his wi-fi password. Chris got my phone signed in while I told Larry about my 5G experience. He said he would turn off the 5G if I started feeling badly. The three of us talked for a bit. I made tea and took my evening supplements. I posted to my blog while Chris and Larry talked about gaming. Then I was ready for bed.

People over 60 should take a B-12 test because it is the only way to tell B-12 deficiency from alzheimers. Methylcobalamine is the recommended form. In one study, researchers cured alzheimers in mice with the human equivalent of 2 – 3 grams of niacinamide. Vit D, and healthy fats are also necessary for brain health. Find a passion or purpose, plus connection with other people. Too many omega-6 fats in the standard diet. Statin drugs lower cholesterol which the brain needs to insulate the neurons. A dog or cat can produce vitamin C in their liver to help detoxify as needed. But humans can't produce their own vitamin C. so we have to ingest it.

* This pic is from the modern quilt guild meeting. *

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