Tuesday, January 1, 2019

First day of 2019

I stayed awake for hours last night trying to get to sleep. Then I woke up when Cecily started moving around the kitchen, unstacking the dishwasher, etc. Later Chris went upstairs in his pajamas. He came back down to get some laundry to add to his mother's. I gave everything I had, so I had to stay in my pajamas. I brushed and swished and sewed binding. Then I went upstairs.
I made breakfast and ate it while watching the Today show, which was on. Cecily gave me some laundry that was dry, so I took it down and put on some real clothes. Marie made scones. I watched some of the Rose parade. When she was done, I mixed up a batch of banana oatmeal cookies and baked them in the oven. Then I hardboiled the rest of the eggs. I stood at the stove where I could see the Rose parade and the eggs and cookies. I ate the chicken innards that Chris cooked last night. I sat at my laptop and read e-mail while finishing off the previous banana cookies. Then I cooled the eggs and put them away.
I suggested Michele call my dad and thank him for his card and check. She used my phone because it had Dad's number in it. He sounded thrilled to hear from her. They talked for a bit, but he intended to go shopping so we did not hold him up.
I spent some time online investigating the effects of pycnogenol and grape seed extract on hot flashes. My eyes got tired so I decided to go for a walk. I announced my intention to the group and the canine members got all excited. So I amended it to “I'm going for an amble. “
I looked up a map of the neighborhood and saw that I couldn't get but so lost. I put on my coat and a scarf, and then headed out the door.
As I walked, I inserted 5 one-minute runs. I also said 'hi' to a stranger as I went past. I went far enough so that I was gone for 30 minutes. When I got back, I sat in living room with the others. But there was only football, so I went up to the computer room where Michele was watching some program called Parks and Recreation. I laid on the bed in there and fell asleep. Michele covered me with her impossibly large circular afghan. Chris woke me for supper.
Tonight's supper featured a rib roast without the bones, roasted brussel sprouts, mashed squash, and pop-overs. It was nice to sit around the table with family and eat and talk. Al said he was old enough to remember when that's what families did. Ha, ha.
Cecily went to bed not long after supper was done. Marie retired to her room too, although she doesn't have to work tomorrow because of the government furlough. Chris and Michele sat in her room watching an Indiana Jones movie on a laptop. I said goodbye to her since she will have left for work when we get up in the morning.
Then I went back to the dining room to finish an audio from earlier and to watch a short video on a chi gung exercise. I brushed and swished while writing up my blog. Chris came down after the movie was over and I suspect Michele went to bed. I finished my blog and went downstairs to retire for the night.
Since I haven't decided what to make for my 2019 resolution, I made certain I had done all the things that are under consideration today: a bit of yoga, a walk, sewing, a power pose, chi gung, and the gratitude alphabet.
* I guess someone doesn't want their picture taken. *

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