Saturday, January 5, 2019

It's good to be home

I woke up early. Chris was still sleeping. I swished and sewed binding. I read e-mail until he got up. Then I made breakfast, and got dressed. I packed my suitcase. Then I listened to an interview until Chris called time. He carried things out to the car while I packed up my laptop and made sure we had everything. I carried the last food box to the car while he checked out at the desk. And then we were on our way home.
We stopped for gas, then turned on the CD player as we got on the interstate. We listened to the last stories of Sherlock. The case said it was a 10 hour CD. It's a wonder more audiobooks aren't like that. When it was over, we started another book called Dangerous Minds. We snacked on figs and dates. When I needed a bathroom break, Chris stopped for a cheese burger and I used the restroom. We arrived in Huntsville about 3:30.
We stopped at the post office to pick up the mail. At the house, we unpacked the car, put away food in the cooler and breakfast box. I watered the plants inside and out. I was surprised how good the outdoor ones looked, especially since the plastic covering had blown off. Inside, the jade plant had died and the pepper plant looked irreversibly dry and wilted. I opened the package from Swansons and put those items away. I called the Three Oaks pharmacy to get more testosterone and progesterone. Since the fridge was so empty, I clean the top shelf, thinking I would get back to clean the others. I made up new batches of spice mix and green mix and seed mix. I ate a can of soup. I searched for the kimchi that Doctor Grace had given me. It was whole cabbages so I cut them into pieces and put them in my previous kimchi container so I could wash hers. I finished listening to the interview.
I moved my laptop to the guest room and sent a message to my tapping buddy. When she called, I answered and we spent about 2 hours talking and tapping, dealing with my childhood issues. I think it was productive.
Then I made tea and put the plastic cover back on the outdoor plants. Chris and I cuddled on the couch, listening to the last CDs of the audiobook. I dozed off several times during the book even though I was fighting it. It would have been easy to let myself fall asleep, but I would have woken up later and had to walk to bed, and then I would be awake, having had a nap. When it was over, we both went to bed.
* This was the sky on our way home *

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