Saturday, October 15, 2022

Dinner with John's family


I got up around 8:30. I brushed and then swished while getting dressed. Al and I went walking for 2 miles. I took a shower. I gave Cecily my colored clothing for her wash. I got dressed nicely for later. Patrick texted that there was another squirrel in the trap.

Lunch: I made a lettuce and meat/cheese wrap, and ate a pomegranate. Later I sat out in the sun for a bit. When Al was ready, we went shopping for more sandwich stuff and I got more pomegranates, plus an apple to encourage the tomatoes to ripen.

I read articles online, ignored the TV as best I could. So many drug commercials! Then Michele and John arrived. We talked for awhile, then headed to Kanpai. We met John's family there: mother, her boyfriend, sister, brother-in-law and two kids. His mother sat with Cecily and they talked through the meal. Chris talked to her boyfriend. I tried to participate in conversation with Michele and John with his sister, but couldn't hear the talking.

After the meal, we shook hands all around and said how good it was to meet like this. Then we went home. We sat around in the den and conversed. Cecily went to bed, and later Al went. It was after midnight when the last of us went to bed.

* Kanpai brought John and Michele a little fruit boat for celebrating their impending marriage. *

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