Thursday, October 6, 2022

Peppermint water

Wednesday Chris woke me up when he got up several times in early morning. But each time he came back to bed, and we slept until after 9 (EST). I got up slowly because my back hurt.

Cecily did laundry. I sprayed peppermint water inside of the Oldsmobile and wiped the non-fabric parts. I opened the trunk and that looked immaculate. William had stuff in there. There were some paper towels in there so I used them to wipe the channels around the trunk, which were full of gunk. I left the windows open to air out the car.

I took a shower and got dressed. Cecily cut a piece of the fabric used to cover the old couch. We headed to the fabric store to get coordinating material, but halfway there, realized we didn't have the sample, so we went home again. Cecily said we didn't have time to go back.

She did another load of laundry. My shirt from last night had spots on it, and they were still there so I sprayed it, waited, then rinsed it out to get chicken drips out of it.

I ate one of the tomatoes I brought because it was getting soft. I texted to various family members the time of the reception, then started making lunch. William called to ask questions about the reception. I made two lettuce wraps for lunch. Chris sliced up part of the jicama. I ate it with avocado dip.

Chris and Al took the Oldsmobile to a shop to address the brake lights. I texted Myra about us going to visit her. Cecily watched the Food Channel while I tried to catch up on my blog. I read e-mail and Facebook notifications. I got a call from a company that sells a variety of products made in America and without toxic additives. She wanted me to become a member. I listened to the spiel, but said I wasn't ready to buy anything today. Later I looked up some products to see how they compared with the ones I buy already.

Then we gathered in the kitchen for supper. We had pork chops, apple crisp, salad, and baked potato. We chatted during supper and after. I read e-mail for awhile. Michele called, but then cut off quickly with “John needs me, I have to go.” I texted with Faye, then agreed to talk in the morning. I read a bunch of Telegram messages, trying to clear them out. Then I went to bed.

* This is an eagle in our back yard on Monday *

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