Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Real Anthony Fauci - the movie


In the middle of the night, I got up to pee, and RLS struck as soon as I laid down. It wouldn't go away. I got up several times to stretch, once to apply magnesium oil, something else, and then I drank a cup of tonic water. That seemed to work and finally I got some sleep.

I got up late. I put extra alarms on my phone to ensure I heard at least one. I got ready, and made up two weeks worth of supplements. I went cleaning at 11. Michelle showed up at noon. We talked and I went home for breakfast. Chris was home. I made and ate breakfast, then went to see Saronna. I brought my trombone and music, but we talked for so long that we ran out of time. I also looked at her bass case options for a new zipper.

I went home and had a bite to eat. I looked for leftover zipper tape, but didn't find any. I went walking with Michelle and Tonja. Michelle stayed late to talk. Then I went home to look up stuff for Faye.

Chris came home from work and went to the diner for supper with the guys. Faye called, just to talk I think. I dug some potato plants in the flower bed but only got a small handful of tiny potatoes. I watered a mound and killed a gopher. I watered the tower garden and realized it needed to come inside soon. I picked greens and made a salad, but did not feel well after eaating it.

I started listening to The Real Anthony Fauci. I put some citrus essential oils in the diffuser. I wrote my blog post. I made tea, and practiced trombone. We watched episodes where Barbara Eden was pregnant.

I resumed listening, and only then realized it was Part 1 and I wanted Part 2. Chris went to bed, later, halfway through Part 2, so did I.

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