Monday, October 17, 2022

Going to DC


I got up after 8:30. The ringing in my head was particularly loud, probably from going to bed so late. I brushed and swished. I packed my overnight bag. I washed up and got dressed. Then I talked to Cecily and Marie. Carole came over with Jasper.

At 10 they left for DC. I read e-mail while Chris took a shower. I asked if I could keep reading for awhile and he said yes. I worked on my blog, not certain how much time I would have later. Then I read e-mail for an hour.

At noon we left for DC in the Olds. It took just over three hours with traffic. We parked at the hotel. Check-in wasn't until 4, but they let us check in early. Then we walked to Marie's apartment. Al, Cecily, Mike and Kelly, James and Becca were already there. We sat and talked until 4. Then most of them went to the hotel. Al and Cecily hadn't checked in yet.

We visited with Marie for a bit, then walked to CVS to get wine for the evening. I was able to buy some toys to hand out for Halloween, but they weren't cheap. From there we went to the hotel to give the bottles to Al and Cecily. I went up to our room to drop off the toys. Then I went to the lobby, where several Damours were waiting for me. We walked to Marie's apartment using a different route. Marie gave me a tour of her 2-bedroom place. Then Jamie from Dugway called. We discussed cleaning houses, and saving pumpkins, and reporting speeders.

We walked to a German restaurant, bringing Carol and Jasper the dog. The others met us there, some driving and some walking from the hotel. We had a lovely dinner. Chris and I got the jambalaya and mahi-mahi to share. But as it turned out, meals were shared with many. And it was all good. Cecily ordered only Reuben balls, but then couldn't eat them so I got some of hers. Carol left early to take Jasper back to Marie's apartment. Later we left for the hotel, some walking and some driving.

Chris and I went to our room. Not having eaten breakfast or lunch, I was still hungry so I had some nuts and cranberries for a snack. Then we all met in James and Becka's suite to talk and drink. Later we gathered for a family pic. Then Marie went home. Cecily kissed and hugged James, Becca and William and went to their room to hit the hay.

The rest of us stayed to chat. The conversation is always good. John started texting me. I wished he and Michele could have come along. Then Becca got tired, so the group broke up and promised to meet again at breakfast.

Chris and I went to our room. I brushed my teeth, took evening supplements and worked on my blog. Then I caught up on e-mail and went to bed.

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