Sunday, October 2, 2022

The 5K walk/run


I did not sleep well due to hot flashes. At some point, I realized Chris was not in bed, so I must have been sleeping. I heard the 7:30 alarm go off. I got up, had some probiotic, filled the empty water jugs, got dressed, then brushed and swished.

When I went to look up today's project, I had no internet connection. I plugged my cable into the modem, but then it wanted to finish rebooting. I filled a water bottle with water and lemon juice. Chris called at 8:30 to see if I was coming.

I packed my fanny pack and drove to the site on Stark Road. There was a sign “Parking” and pointing to the left, but there was no road to the parking lot there and I didn't want to drive off-road, so I went up to the normal entrance and came back to the parking lot. Chris flagged me down and gave me a number to wear. At nine there was a short safety briefing and prayer. Then all the 5K'ers headed out. It was the same route as last year. Chris talked to John the whole way. Sometimes I was in front of them and sometimes behind, but we three crossed the finish line at the same time. We were dead last, but I consider it a public service since no one else wanted to be last.

I chatted with a few people and ate small oranges. I talked to the MWR director and she invited me to attend their next planning meeting. Chris had to stay, but I drove home.

I stopped at the post office and got the mail, which consisted of two boxes. One held the new mouse trap and the other held supplements. I took a shower, then made and ate breakfast. I watched a documentary. Chris came home for lunch.

I emptied my trunk and put together stuff for the class and we took it to the chapel. Chris left, and I started setting up. Tonja arrived. She needed an iron so I went home and got one. I gave her the key to the chapel so she can hold the next sewing class in two weeks. Diane showed up to make a pumpkin. She did a toilet paper roll one, and Tonja sewed a stuffed one. We discussed end times and Revelations. Diane left early and then Tonja and I packed up. I gave her one of the machines and a bag of fabric for the next class.

When I got home, Chris took the remaining machine out of my trunk. I read e-mail for awhile, then put on my bathing suit. I took the large clock and went to the pool. There were 3 lifeguards and two bathers. I got in the pool and warmed up, then swam for almost an hour. Heather got in and we talked about what improvements we want for next year.

I got out just before 6, toweled off and went home. I wanted meat and cooked vegetables, so we went to the commissary and got steak and a bag of frozen veggies. I cooked the veggies while Chris cooked the steak. I ate while watching more of the documentary, then worked on my blog. Sadly I ate most of a bag of pistachios while watching.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of Firefly. I continued the documentary, then went to bed.

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