Wednesday, October 5, 2022

It needed a bath


Our plane was supposed to leave at 11:50pm, but it was delayed. First we waited in the airport, then boarded the plane and waited some more. Since our layover was listed as a hour, I thought we would miss our connecting flight. But somehow we landed in Atlanta on time and the gates were side by side. So we waited an hour to board our next flight. I pulled some stuff from my roll-on that I wished I had had during the last flight, a like sleep mask.

However, being in a new time zone, the daylight soon arrived and sleep would not come. So I read my book instead. The take-offs were fine but both landings were hard on my left ear. When we landed in Richmond, we headed to the nearest bathroom, but there was a line, so we walked to the next one for relief. Then we went to baggage claim and met Al and Cecily there. Chris claimed our suitcases and we walked out to the parking lot to find their car.

Al drove us back to his house. We brought our luggage in. We talked for a little while. Chris and Al went to get the Oldsmobile. Cecily had the food channel on and I tried to read my book, but got really sleepy. So I laid down.

I might have dozed off, but still felt 'out of it' when I got up. The others were eating lunch. Cecily washed some romaine lettuce. I used it to wrap lunchmeat and cheese, and ate two of those. Chris laid down and went to sleep. I called the place Al gets his hair cut and made an appointment.

It was so soon, that I had to wake Chris up to take me. Chris and I went to get a haircut, and shop for avocado dip and pomegranate. We did not find a pomegranate, but I got a jicama to go with the dip.

When we got back, they were home. The Oldsmobile looked like a derelict and smelled even worse. The inside was covered with baking soda that I had sprinkled last year. I vacuumed it out. It hadn't done it's job. Then Al and I washed the outside. A surprising amount of dirt came off, and the wash water was black.

Inside, Chris and Cecily were making supper. I laid down for a bit, then read my book until given the 5 minute warning. But it was more than 5 minutes until we sat down. We had chicken catchatori (sp?) and brussels sprouts, and salad. I got spots on my shirt. Cecily made rice noodles for me, and regular noodles for the others.

After supper, Cecily went to bed. The rest of us talked for awhile, and then Chris went to bed. Then Al and I chatted until 10, which was only 8 MST. I pulled the blinds and went to bed.

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