Friday, February 2, 2024

Can't believe I took a nap


It was a long and painful night. I did sleep a little. I got up around 5 and went to the bathroom, then back to bed. I took it as a sign that I would be able to get out of bed later. Chris left early, before 6, for some event in SLC.

I got up after 8:30. I had slept again, a little. I walked around a bit to loosen up my back. I decided to eat one food every half hour to see if I could determine which ones were affecting my digestion. I made up slippery elm capsules.

Just before noon, I made breakfast. I put on The Highwire. Del interviewed Michael Yon about the southern border, the immigrants and all the aid that is being provided by different agencies to help them in their migration. Some agencies are funded by the U.S.

Chris came home for lunch. I made up melatonin capsules. I read articles from e-mail. One had a link to a video on the three acupressure points everyone should know. Either that one, or one it linked to had points for relaxation and sleep. So I found myself taking a nap...

I woke up around 6. It was getting dark. My back seemed to be normal again. My phone rang but I did not reach it in time. Michelle was outside. So I opened the door and she came in. She had ideas for Dugway. Then Chris came home and she pitched her ideas to him.

After she left, Chris cut up the jicama. I ate it while watching newsy videos. Then I felt a tickle in my throat so I went to the bathroom to swab my ears with hydrogen peroxide and to rinse my sinuses. Then I returned to the laptop to listen. I put the rest of the jicama away and ate some kimchi. I listened to New World Next Week.

At 8 I worked on my blog post. I heated tea and we watched two episodes of SGA, starting the next season. We stayed up after that. I posted to Facebook about Math Morning. Then I did a light yoga routine and went to bed. I had a very hard time getting to sleep.

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