Friday, February 23, 2024

Community Game Night


I got up before 8. I got ready for the day. I put the 4 quarts of goat milk in the big black pot and started it heating on the stove. I stirred periodically. I filled out a cleaning contract. I figured out how much I owed Jamie and added $20. Then I went to apt 105 to sign for it.

We all met in the hallway. Then Connie knocked on the door. The man let us in. He was still moving stuff out. I looked around, waiting for Jamie. Then I decided on $225. He only had $20's but I had change. We all signed papers. I offered to move the next inspection time from 11 to 10. I paid Jamie for her work on apt 215, then we left.

I went home to stir the milk and read e-mail. I broke down some boxes and took them out to recycling. Jamie was out front, getting some yard stuff that she left over month ago. We talked, then I went to the inspection at 215.

The inspection went well. No issues discovered. Connie said she would put in an order for dimmer switches for my LED lights since I noted that they are too bright at night. They tell your brain that it is daytime. She said I could use ARMA for replacing the toilet at the swap shop. So when I got home, I signed into ARMA and submitted the work order.

I spent the rest of the morning making goat cheese and straining out the curds. Then I made breakfast and listened to The Highwire. Jamie texted, wanting to get into apt 105. So I went over there to unlock it and we discussed what to do with what the occupant left behind. She took some stuff and I took the kitchen rugs home to wash. I went back for the sheets.

I put the rugs and sheets in the washing machine. Then I got texts from people wanting to get into the swap shop. So I ran down there to open it. Mariah was right there and I had to ask her to turn around while I removed the key from its hidden spot so I could open the door. Sigh. She dropped off some rugs and got an adjustable chair. Then Anka came in with her 4 kids. I called Jenni twice to find out why she wasn't there. No answer. I went to apt 105 to get the food out because there wasn't much. I put the best stuff in a bag for Saronna and went to her house, but she wasn't home.

I went home. The washer was finished, but the rugs were still dirty. So I put them back in to soak in Borax. I saw Jenni had posted that the swap shop IS open from 4 to 7. So I figured I must have just missed her, but then she texted me asking me to open the swap shop because she was at the dentist (an hour away) and needed to get a prescription filled. I just don't understand her thinking! At least it was already open.

I read e-mail until Chris texted, asking when I wanted to go to Game Night at the club. I said 6:30. I ate some steak and took the supper supplements. I worked on my blog. I took the food to Saronna and stopped at the swap shop on the way back to drop off the coffee and creamer which she wouldn't use.

When I got home, Chris was having supper. I started having a niacin flush. We went to the club for Game Night. The Clark's were finishing up with their walkway stones. Bethany gave me the leftover cement mix so I could make one, too, later. The CSM came in with a stack of games. I went over to look, but didn't see any I knew how to play. However, there were two decks of cards, so I asked him what card games he knows. I didn't know any of them so he offered to teach me 3-5-9.

As he was explaining, the colonel and his family arrived. The colonel came over to play, which was good because 3-5-9 is a three player game. As I listened to the rules, it reminded me of Fizzbin. I mentioned that, but neither of them knew the reference. We played about 4 rounds. Then Chris and I went home.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of SGA. I was sorry to see the doctor get killed off. But it was interesting to see his friend talk to him at the end of the show, telling him he would have liked the funeral. Chris went to bed but I stayed up later. I thought about reading a book to make myself sleepy, but all of our lighting is too bright. So I read articles online, then went to bed.

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