Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Getting back into the swing of things


I got up before 7:30. I did not feel well. My stomach was feeling better but I didn't trust it. I dehydrated the carrot tops from yesterday. I checked e-mail. I sat in the lounger to read a book. I meant to quit at 10 and go cleaning, but I ended up taking a nap.

It was almost noon. Michelle texted me about going for a walk. So I put on shoes and met her at the gym. She was talking to the staff there. Then we went upstairs to walk. She asked me how the trip to Costa Rica went and talked about her work and her attempt to find out the regulation that says I need to have a CNAC to do volunteer activities that include children who attend with their parents.

When I got home, I read e-mail. I ate a bite of rice to see if eating was ok. Seems it was. I published my blog post for Sunday. At 2, I went to Saronna's house to play. We did more talking than playing, but we did pick two hymns for Sunday. She didn't understand either why I would need a special background check to do volunteer activities if the kids had their parents with them.

On the way home, I stopped by the library to get the chapel key from Keli, but she didn't have it with her. I went home and ate a banana. When that seems to be ok, I ate some pistachios. I read e-mail and watched Telegram videos. Keli came by and dropped off the chapel key.

Chris came home from work, and heated some supper for me. I ate it with only a little problem. Jamie came by for some cash. I watched news videos, then I worked on my blog post. I started a new batch of sprouts. I heated tea from yesterday. But when I tried to sit down in front of the TV, Chris was laying there asleep. I woke him up but he said he would rather sleep than watch TV. So I went back to my laptop to drink the tea. Later, I turned the lights out and went to bed.

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