Monday, July 1, 2024

Losing my crown


I got up after 7. I got ready for the day. I folded all the towels that were left behind at 612 and put them in matching piles. I selected some to keep and others to go to the swap shop. I opened the Swansons box and added to the supplements that I parsed out yesterday. I watered the plants inside and outside. I watered some gopher holes too, but nothing came up.

I went to the garden to water and check the irrigation and traps. No mice. The irrigation system doesn't seem to be sufficient. I also pulled weeds. I could see that the garden next door now had plants and row cover. I thought putting up shade cloth with tomato cages to hold it up.

I read e-mail until 11, then whipped up a batch of cheese squares and threw them in the oven. After they were done, I made and ate breakfast. Then I washed up and got dressed for church. I packed a small container with the cheese squares. I grabbed my trombone and headed to the chapel.

When I got there, I talked to the chaplain and to Keli. Saronna could not come. Then they sang the praise songs up front while we all sang from our seats. The chaplain was very moved by the music. Rick put the slide up and Gary gave his sermon. Then Keli and I played two patriotic hymns. When service was over, we chatted with those around us.

On the way home, I checked the swap shop for light bulbs because someone asked. Then I went home. I changed my clothes. I ate a pomegranate and a grapefruit while reading e-mail.

I went to the gym to meet Michelle. We walked around several blocks, talking. Then we got water at the gym and kept talking till 6:30. I went home and found Chris had cooked mushrooms for me. I turned on the sprinkler. I picked greens and made a salad. I added some water to some of the potted plants.

I made tea and turned off the sprinkler. We watched an episode of WTR. However during the episode I was flossing my teeth and a crown popped off. I just stared at it, not realizing that tooth had a crown. (Although on further examination, it turned out to be a different tooth). Anyway, I put it in a baggie. Then I found the little packets of temp-bond that the dentist gave me last time. But there were no instructions. I looked it up online, but none of the videos showed how to do it at home with the packet – just how they do it with tubes and dental instruments at the office. I left a text for the dentist.

I brushed and swished. I took my evening supplements. I got ready for bed. I watched the rest of Call the Midwife. Then I put on a yoga nidra meditation and got in the recliner. It only lasted 30 minutes and I was still awake, although very relaxed. But after a commercial, the next video came up and it put me to sleep.

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