Monday, September 27, 2010


Made the sandwich and went back to bed. Got up when Chris' cell phone rang. His boss was calling. So I called Chris' desk phone to tell him. Got ready for quilting, but was running slightly late. I ducked into the room to tell the others I would be back, then ran Chris' cell phone over to him. When I got back, the others were already working on baby quilts. Ladies started coming in with their machines to be fixed. At 11 Cathy went to get the Bernina guy. I swear last year he fixed all machines, but this year he would only look at Berninas. After sending all those e-mails reassuring everyone that it did not matter what brand they had, I watched several people leave disappointed. I had to go into the bathroom and swear.
We packed up early, and I took Judy, Shirley and Kennedy to the ACS center to sign them up as volunteers in the VMIS system so they could log their hours. We made some progress on that score. Regenia also agreed to make me POC for the group so I could approve those hours. Then I saw that our previous POC is still on the job, even though she moved over the summer. We all decided to take a trip to Dongdaemun. They wanted to go and I knew the way. Judy elected to stay behind because of all she had to carry. So the three of us went to the fabric market. I got stuff for Toniette, but couldn't help getting a few yards for myself. Mr. Kang bought us all cans of juice. He's so nice. We headed home on the subway, considering stopping at Namdaemun, but had too much to carry. Back on base, Shirley walked home, and I took Kennedy with me. I showed her my apartment, and she bought a set of rotary tools. Then I took her home. I got to see her mom and sister. Finally I went home. Chris had supper on the stove. Michele came home while we were watching a movie. Then we rounded out the evening with computer time. Did you know that Ernest Borgnine is 93, and is in a movie coming out this fall?

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