Friday, September 10, 2010

Rainy Friday

After making the sandwich I went back to bed and didn't get up until 10. I had breakfast and I got on my computer to run through e-mail. The student schedule for today canceled so I had the afternoon free. About 1 I took a break to get out the sewing magazines I picked up last night and find a new project to get interested in. One quilt used fabric I picked up recently (a Paula Nadelstern) and I tried putting together a set of colors to fit the quilt. But then I came across a panel print that reminded me of another quilt in the magazine, so I started looking at those possibilities. The panel was cattywhompus, so I spent considerable time trying to iron it straight. All the while I watched a Netflix movie called "Fireproof". It is pretty good. It is about a couple whose marriage is in trouble and the guy takes a 40-day love challenge. It's better than it sounds. The 'special features' are really good, too.
At 5 I took a shower and Chris came home. (static) Then we got dressed. Michele came home from college. It was raining quite hard. But we had dinner plans. So we walked over the pedestrian bridge, and took Chris' car to Gate 12, where we met the Lunds. We huddled under our umbrellas and walked into Itaewon to an Indian restaurant. My feet got totally soaked. The puddles and streams were too big to step across. Here is a pic of us in the restaurant. You can't really see the decor but all the furnishings look like they came from a 1800's yard sale. We had a good time talking and remembering the first time we came here 2 years ago. It was a fitting place to say goodbye. They are going back to the states tomorrow.
We walked back in the rain. Michele and I drove my car to the parking lot to wait for Chris. He took the Lunds back to the hotel, then picked us up and we all went home. Soggy. As usual we all ended up on our computers. I was given a tip to search out 'yawnguy' on Youtube. He demonstrates a 'rub and yawn' technique for releasing negative emotions. Then my friend from the states Skyped me and we talked for awhile. As soon as I finish this post, I am going to bed.

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