Sunday, September 12, 2010

One idea...

I must have stayed up later than I thought last night, because we woke up late, like after 10 (which is when church starts). So, we took our time getting breakfast, etc. Then Chris and I took out the recyclables, and drove to his office for an errand. I was able to check on the tomatoes. They are rotting on the vines. Chris says it's all the rain we are getting. Then we went to E-Mart. They had re-arranged the store, so we had to ask where the natto was. We got that, and organic eggs. Then we drove to the commissary. I wanted another young coconut, but they were all gone. We got everything else and went home. Chris had soaked beans overnight, and left them cooking on the stove. Although it was mid-afternoon, we ate then. Romaric came over to game. So I finished my e-mail on the computer and retired to my sewing room to work on the vague ideas I had for another quilt. I came up with an idea, but discovered that the motifs were not as square as they should be. I used the iron like a rolling pin to stretch them into shape. I met with limited success. I went back to my computer. Faye skyped me, and we had a nice chat. Romaric went home, and now it is time for bed.
I discovered that Blogger keeps stats on my blog. Some I have no idea why. But it tells me all the countries that have accessed my blog. I was amazed: U.S., S.K., Austria, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Germany, Israel, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Singapore, and the U. K. I figure either my blog is read by people all over the world, or by one person on a world tour.


Gail said...

Interesting statistics! I have been in a number of those countries recently, and I do make it a habit to read your blog every day. Keep it up! :-)

Gail said...

Gail DeBurgh, that is.

Fern said...

So I have you to thank for my 'international' fame. Thanks! Going to Greenland any time soon?

Gail said...

No, but we might go to Antarctica in January 2011!