Monday, September 20, 2010

What's inside this quilt?

I reawakened about 8:30 and had breakfast, etc, getting ready for quilt group. I brought my unbound quilt along to see if there was any more of the blue I used on the back to bind it. There was. The strips used in this quilt and the batting were all leftover strips from making baby quilts at group meetings. Others would have thrown them away, but I put them to good use. We had a better crowd today than usual. Two new ladies showed up, one was just out of high school and really wanted to learn to quilt. Hurray for the next generation! It was after 2 when we packed up. Although we only finished 4, we had several more in the almost-finished stage. Cathy and I were going to go to Dongdaemun to take some fruit to Mr. Kang as a Chusok gift, but she was really tired so we didn't go today. Maybe later. An after-Chusok gift? I stopped by the ACS to get some Seoul Survivors for Tina, but they didn't have any. I stopped near a bench under a tree and read some sewing magazines while resting my bare feet on the ground. It was a little wet since it had rained hard all morning. I had left my windows cracked so the car would get some air, and it got wet instead. Now it really needs airing out. Then I went home to read through e-mail, and then bind the quilt. It's hard to do bindings in the little space I have to sew. I found a series of NCIS reruns to watch while I sewed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I say the quilt is covering a portable steamer....just looking at the handle. Hmmmm. Cute quilt btw.