Friday, July 13, 2012

Almost done

I slept later than I intended to, again. But this time I could not blame it on the rain. It was a sunny day. Watering seemed unnecessary after 4 days of rain, so I started my day with the first audio and e-mail. I worked in some exercise and breakfast. When Michele got up, she proclaimed herself hungry. Well, it is about time! But rather than breakfast, she ate pickles, and potatoes. She expressed interest in a tomato so I went outside to look at the garden. I was able to pick a tomato. She made herself a bst: a bacon, spinach and tomato sandwich.
E-mail kept me busy most of the day. I did take a break to lay in the sun. The bugs which were dormant in the heat and drought, were back to bother me. I took yesterday's quilt into the garage to trim it on the pingpong table. I left an inch of backing all the way around to use as a binding. I rolled it over and pinned it to the front. Chris came home from work while I was pinning. When I finished, I sat on the edge of the driveway with my laptop to watch a short video. Then I went back to the sewing room. There were two places on the backing where it was blue instead of red. The blue did not go with the top, so I didn't like it where it folded over to the front. I sewed a trimmed-off strip over one of them, and stitched all the binding down except for the second blue part. I pinned a strip of red over that, but then got called to supper. Chris was talking to the voices, but it seems that not enough of them showed up to make a game possible. So after supper we watched episodes of NCIS.

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