Wednesday, July 4, 2012

An unexpected pleasure

I got up about 8 when I realized that I was more awake than asleep. I watered the plants and pulled grass at the edge of the driveway. I came in for exercise and breakfast. Chris said I missed a call, so I checked my phone and there was a message from Ashley. I wondered aloud why she would call me, and Michele said Ashley was coming for a visit. After breakfast, I was listening to audios, and playing solitaire. Michele tried on a dress she found in the guest room closet. She really liked it, so I took her picture. It is the dress I was supposed to wear as maid of honor at my sister's wedding. Ashley called to ask if she could visit and I said yes. So Chris and I cleaned up in the kitchen. Chris went to the store to buy food. I went out to do some yardwork. I picked a tomato and a cucumber for lunch. At some point Ashley called to say they couldn't make it after all. I was kind of disappointed even though it was a last minute thing. But around 4:30 she called to say she could come after all. It is a 5.5 - 6 hour trip
so they would arrive in time to go to bed. I was trying to pick a song for an audition and Michele joined in the singing. I tried it on Youtube and with the piano. I have discovered that if the chords are playing without the melody, I can't find the pitches. So perplexing. I wonder what it means. Chris made twice-baked potatoes for supper. He has made them before but not as good at today. They were so good I had to step away from my computer to give them my undivided attention. They were outstanding! Even Michele thought so, though she stayed with her computer. After supper I went outside again. I was worried that the man next door was away and that his garden might suffer in the heat and drought. But when I went over there, it looked fine. I laid on the ground and looked up at the sky, watching the clouds drift by. I could see faint ripples in my visual field that followed my eye wherever I looked. I tested each eye separately. There were more ripples with my right eye than with my left. Then I went out front to pull more grass along the driveway. It was tough stuff and I used a knife to cut through it. It got dark on me, so I went in. Chris was playing a computer game and did not want to watch TV with me. So I took a shower. Then I made sure there were clean towels in the basement. I stayed down there to fold up the blankets and quilts nicely. Then I put binding on the donation quilt. I finished just after Chris came down to kiss me and tell me he was going to bed. Ashley and Irv had not arrived yet. When I finished, I came up to write my blog. That is when they arrived. Michele and I went out to greet them. We put Irv in the basement on the couch, and Ashley in the guest room with Michele. I guess I'll be in the master bedroom with Chris.

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