Friday, July 6, 2012

Michele goes out with her friends

It rained a little last night, but I don't know how much, so I watered my garden this morning just in case. I noticed that the cherry tomatoes are cooking on the vines. I had to throw the soft ones away. I did my exercises and fixed breakfast. While I was reading e-mail, the young adults decided to go bowling after lunch. Michele spent the morning on her computer while the others watched TV downstairs. I got an e-mail from Deb about the best way to sew a square in a triangle. I thought of something I had seen long ago, then went down to the sewing room to test it out. I took pics and mailed them to Deb. Then I took a shower. Michele made herself a peanutbutter and Nutella sandwich. It was contagious because then everyone wanted one. Then they went to the bowling alley. I stayed behind to sing songs, looking for the perfect audition piece. I was still singing when they got back. Michele sang with me for a while. Then we quit out of consideration for our guests. Later they went out for slurpees. I stayed here. But this time I ate a package of frozen fruit which made me cold. So I went out to the driveway to pull grass in the sun. Soon after they came back, I put the tools away, and washed off from a bucket. I kept thinking that there is too much sun and not enough water. If only there was a way to turn sunlight into water... sounds like a job for Google! But the closest thing I found was a machine powered by sunlight that desalinates water. I spent a little time in the basement working on the binding of the kaleidoscope quilt. Ashley and Irv wanted to take Michele out to a bar/restaurant. So Ashley was dressing up Michele. Of course I wanted in on that. It was fun, and she looked very nice. I think it was after 6 when they left. I was not invited, but that is ok. I had more singing to do. I went through lots of stuff on Youtube and all my music books. In fact now I am hoarse. The 'kids' came back about 10:30. Michele laid on my bed and told me about her evening. Then she and Ashley went to bed. I guess Irv is in bed, too. Chris is out gaming. But will he return before I finish this blog post and go to bed? Tune in tomorrow.

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